Source code for beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.toothpick

import math

import numpy as np

from tqdm import tqdm

from beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.noisemodel import NoiseModel
from beast.observationmodel.vega import Vega

from beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.helpers import convert_dict_to_structured_ndarray

__all__ = ["MultiFilterASTs"]

[docs] class MultiFilterASTs(NoiseModel): """ A noise model for based Artificial Star Tests (ASTs) that are provided as one single table. The noise model is computed in equally spaced bins in log flux space to avoid injecting noise when the ASTs grossly oversample the model space. This is the case for single band ASTs - this is always the case for the BEAST toothpick noise model. Attributes ---------- astfile : str file containing the ASTs filters : list sequence of filter names filter_aliases : dict alias of filter names between internal and external names """ def __init__(self, astfile, filters, vega_fname=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- astfile : str file containing the ASTs filters : list filters using the internal namings (obs_inst_band) vega_fname : str, optional filename of the vega database """ super().__init__(astfile, *args, **kwargs) self.setFilters(filters, vega_fname=vega_fname) self._fluxes = None self._biases = None self._sigmas = None self._compls = None
[docs] def setFilters(self, filters, vega_fname=None): """ Set the filters and update the vega reference for the conversions Parameters ---------- filters : list filters using the internally normalized namings vega_fname : str, optional filename of the vega database """ self.filters = filters # ASTs inputs are in vega mag whereas models are in flux units # for optimization purpose: pre-compute with Vega(source=vega_fname) as v: _, vega_flux, _ = v.getFlux(filters) self.vega_flux = vega_flux
[docs] def set_data_mappings( self, in_pair=("in", "in"), out_pair=("out", "rate"), upcase=False ): """ Specify the mapping directly with the interface to PHAT-like ASTs Parameters ---------- in_pair, out_pair : tuple, optional (in, out) strings giving the ending string mappings defaults: (in, in) aliases internal HST_WFC3_F275W_in to exernal f275w_in and (out, vega) aliases internal HST_WFC3_F275W_out to external f275w_vega upcase : bool, optional set to make the external name all uppercase """ for k in self.filters: external_in = k.split("_")[-1] + "_" + in_pair[1] external_out = k.split("_")[-1] + "_" + out_pair[1] if upcase: external_in = external_in.upper() external_out = external_out.upper() else: external_in = external_in.lower() external_out = external_out.lower() self.filter_aliases[k + "_in"] = external_in self.filter_aliases[k + "_out"] = external_out
def _compute_sigma_bins( self, mag_in, flux_out, cut_flag, nbins=30, min_per_bin=10, name_prefix=None, asarray=False, compute_stddev=False, ast_nonrecovered_ratio=2.0, min_flux=None, max_flux=None, ): """ Computes sigma estimate for each bin, store the result in a dictionary. Estimation performed using percentile-based method (by default) where sigma = (84th-16th)/2 and avg bias = 50th. Alternate method: use mean and stddev. Parameters ---------- mag_in : ndarray AST input mag flux_out : ndarray AST output flux cut_flag : ndarray flag set to 1 if the source has been cut (user decision based often based on photometry parameters) nbins : int, optional Number of logrithmically spaced bins between the min/max values min_per_bin : int, optional Number of recovered ASTs required per bin for computation name_prefix : str, optional if set, all output names in the final structure will start with this prefix. asarray : bool, optional if set returns a structured ndarray instead of a dictionary compute_stddev : bool, optional if True, uses np.mean()+np.std() to estimate avg bias+sigma; if False (default), uses np.percentiles ast_nonrecovered_ratio : float output/input flux ratio above which to consider an ast not recovered default = 2.0, set to None to disable min_flux : float min flux value in vega normalized fluxes for model bins default = None which means calculated from magflux_in max_flux : float max flux value in vega normalized fluxes for model bins default = None which means calculated from magflux_in Returns ------- d : dict or np.recarray dictionary or named array containing the statistics """ if name_prefix is None: name_prefix = "" else: if name_prefix[-1] != "_": name_prefix += "_" # set the fluxes to zero for all sources with CUT_FLAG > 0 # these are the sources that are not recovered # user determined flag # often this flag is set by sharpness, roundness, non-measured bands cmask = cut_flag > 0 # check if any NaNs are present, remove if they are # NaNs can be present due to the AST pipeline or in cases where # there is missing data (e.g., chip gaps) if np.any(np.isnan(mag_in)): gvals = np.isfinite(mag_in) & np.isfinite(flux_out) mag_in = mag_in[gvals] flux_out = flux_out[gvals] cmask = cmask[gvals] print("removing NaNs") # convert the AST input from magnitudes to fluxes # always convert the mag_in to fluxes (the way the ASTs are # reported) flux_in = 10 ** (-0.4 * mag_in) flux_out[cmask] = 0.0 # set the flux_out to zero for all ASTs recovered with too large # a ratio of output/input fluxes. This removes sources that are below the # the faintest detectable flux that are associated with a real nearby # source (random chance that happens depending on the source density) # based on input threshold ratio if ast_nonrecovered_ratio is not None: (indxs,) = np.where(flux_out != 0.0) flux_ratio = flux_out[indxs] / flux_in[indxs] (indxs2,) = np.where(flux_ratio > ast_nonrecovered_ratio) flux_out[indxs[indxs2]] = 0.0 # storage the storage of the results ave_flux_in = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float) ave_bias = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float) std_bias = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float) completeness = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float) good_bins = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=int) # get the indexs to the recovered fluxes (good_indxs,) = np.where(flux_out != 0.0) ast_minmax = np.zeros(2) ast_minmax[0] = np.amin(flux_in[good_indxs]) ast_minmax[1] = np.amax(flux_in[good_indxs]) # setup the bins (done in log units due to dynamic range) # add a very small value to the max to make sure all the data is # included if min_flux is None: min_flux = math.log10(min(flux_in)) else: min_flux = math.log10(min_flux) if max_flux is None: max_flux = math.log10(max(flux_in) * 1.000001) else: max_flux = math.log10(max_flux) delta_flux = (max_flux - min_flux) / float(nbins) bin_min_vals = min_flux + np.arange(nbins) * delta_flux bin_max_vals = bin_min_vals + delta_flux bin_ave_vals = 0.5 * (bin_min_vals + bin_max_vals) # convert the bin min/max value to linear space for computational ease bin_min_vals = 10 ** bin_min_vals bin_max_vals = 10 ** bin_max_vals bin_ave_vals = 10 ** bin_ave_vals for i in range(nbins): (bindxs,) = np.where( (flux_in >= bin_min_vals[i]) & (flux_in < bin_max_vals[i]) ) n_bindxs = len(bindxs) if n_bindxs > 0: bin_flux_in = flux_in[bindxs] bin_flux_out = flux_out[bindxs] # compute completeness (g_bindxs,) = np.where(bin_flux_out != 0.0) n_g_bindxs = len(g_bindxs) completeness[i] = n_g_bindxs / float(n_bindxs) if n_g_bindxs > min_per_bin: good_bins[i] = 1 ave_flux_in[i] = np.mean(bin_flux_in) bin_bias_flux = bin_flux_out[g_bindxs] - bin_flux_in[g_bindxs] if compute_stddev: # compute sigma via mean/stddev ave_bias[i] = np.mean(bin_bias_flux) std_bias[i] = np.std(bin_bias_flux) else: # compute sigma via percentiles # ave = 50th; std = (84th-16th)/2 flux_percent_out = np.percentile( bin_bias_flux, [16.0, 50.0, 84.0] ) ave_bias[i] = flux_percent_out[1] std_bias[i] = (flux_percent_out[2] - flux_percent_out[0]) / 2.0 # only pass back the bins with non-zero results (gindxs,) = np.where(good_bins == 1) d = { name_prefix + "FLUX_STD": std_bias[gindxs], name_prefix + "FLUX_BIAS": ave_bias[gindxs], name_prefix + "FLUX_IN": bin_ave_vals[gindxs], name_prefix + "FLUX_OUT": bin_ave_vals[gindxs] + ave_bias[gindxs], name_prefix + "COMPLETENESS": completeness[gindxs], name_prefix + "MINMAX": ast_minmax, } if asarray: return convert_dict_to_structured_ndarray(d) else: return d
[docs] def fit(self, nbins=50, progress=True): """ Alias of fit_bins """ return self.fit_bins( nbins=nbins, progress=progress )
[docs] def fit_bins( self, nbins=50, ast_nonrecovered_ratio=2.0, min_flux=None, max_flux=None, progress=True, ): """ Compute the necessary statistics before evaluating the noise model Parameters ---------- nbins : int number of bins between the min/max values ast_nonrecovered_ratio : float mark any ASTs with a an output/input flux ratio larger than this value as nonrecovered min_flux : float min flux value in physical units for model bins default = None which means calculated from ast input fluxes max_flux : float max flux value in physical units for model bins default = None which means calculated from ast input fluxes progress : bool, optional if set, display a progress bar .. see also: :func:`_compute_stddev` """ shape = nbins, len(self.filters) self._fluxes = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) self._biases = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) self._sigmas = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) self._compls = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) self._nasts = np.zeros(shape[1], dtype=int) self._minmax_asts = np.zeros((2, shape[1]), dtype=float) # check that the CUT_FLAG column is present if "CUT_FLAG" not in raise ValueError("required CUT_FLAG column not present in AST output file") # setup iterator incuding progress bar if desired if progress is True: it = tqdm(self.filters, desc="Fitting model") else: it = self.filters for e, filterk in enumerate(it): mag_in =[self.filter_aliases[filterk + "_in"]] flux_out =[self.filter_aliases[filterk + "_out"]] # convert min/max fluxes to vega normalized fluxes if min_flux is not None: min_norm_flux = min_flux / self.vega_flux[e] else: min_norm_flux = min_flux if max_flux is not None: max_norm_flux = max_flux / self.vega_flux[e] else: max_norm_flux = max_flux d = self._compute_sigma_bins( mag_in, flux_out,["CUT_FLAG"], nbins=nbins, ast_nonrecovered_ratio=ast_nonrecovered_ratio, min_flux=min_norm_flux, max_flux=max_norm_flux, ) ncurasts = len(d["FLUX_IN"]) self._fluxes[0:ncurasts, e] = d["FLUX_IN"] * self.vega_flux[e] self._sigmas[0:ncurasts, e] = d["FLUX_STD"] * self.vega_flux[e] self._biases[0:ncurasts, e] = d["FLUX_BIAS"] * self.vega_flux[e] self._compls[0:ncurasts, e] = d["COMPLETENESS"] self._nasts[e] = ncurasts self._minmax_asts[:, e] = d["MINMAX"] * self.vega_flux[e] del d
[docs] def interpolate(self, sedgrid, progress=True): """ Interpolate the results of the ASTs on a model grid Parameters ---------- sedgrid : beast.core.grid type model grid to interpolate AST results on progress : bool, optional if set, display a progress bar Returns ------- bias : ndarray bias table of the models sigma : ndarray dispersion table of the models comp : ndarray completeness table per model """ flux = sedgrid.seds N, M = flux.shape if M != len(self.filters): raise AttributeError( "the grid of models does not seem to" + "be defined with the same number of filters" ) bias = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=float) sigma = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=float) compl = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=float) if progress is True: it = tqdm(list(range(M)), desc="Evaluating model") else: it = list(range(M)) for i in it: ncurasts = self._nasts[i] _fluxes = self._fluxes[0:ncurasts, i] _biases = self._biases[0:ncurasts, i] _sigmas = self._sigmas[0:ncurasts, i] _compls = self._compls[0:ncurasts, i] arg_sort = np.argsort(_fluxes) _fluxes = _fluxes[arg_sort] bias[:, i] = np.interp( flux[:, i], _fluxes, _biases[arg_sort], left=0.0, right=0.0 ) sigma[:, i] = np.interp( flux[:, i], _fluxes, _sigmas[arg_sort], left=0.0, right=0.0 ) compl[:, i] = np.interp( flux[:, i], _fluxes, _compls[arg_sort], left=0.0, right=0.0 ) return (bias, sigma, compl)
[docs] def __call__(self, sedgrid, **kwargs): return self.interpolate(sedgrid, **kwargs)