Source code for beast.physicsmodel.grid

SED/spectral grids
import sys
import numpy as np

from beast.observationmodel import phot
from beast.physicsmodel.dust import extinction
from beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridbackends import (
from beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridhelpers import pretty_size_print, isNestedInstance

__all__ = ["ModelGrid", "SEDGrid", "SpectralGrid"]

def find_backend(txt):
    Determine the needed background based on a text string

    txt : str
        name to find in the list

    b : :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridbackends.GridBackend` subclass
        corresponding backend class

    maps = {
        "memory": MemoryBackend,
        "cache": CacheBackend,
        "disk": DiskBackend,
    btype = maps.get(txt.lower(), None)
    if btype is None:
        raise ValueError(f"{txt} backend not supported")
    return btype

[docs] class ModelGrid(object): """ Generic class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- lamb : ndarray or str or :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridbackends.GridBackend` subclass - if ndarray: wavelength of the SEDs (requires seds and grid arguments) - if str: filename to the grid - if backend: ref to the given grid seds : ndarray 2D `float` array of the seds grid : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` table of properties associated to each sed header : dict if provided, update the grid table header aliases : dict if provided, update the grid table aliases backend : str or :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridbackends.GridBackend` subclass, optional if str corresponding backend class 'memory' = MemoryBackend, 'cache' = CacheBackend, 'disk' = DiskBackend """ backend = kwargs.pop("backend", None) if backend is None: self._backend = MemoryBackend(*args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(backend, (str, bytes)): self._backend = find_backend(backend)(*args, **kwargs) elif isNestedInstance(backend, GridBackend): self._backend = backend else: self._backend = backend(*args, **kwargs) @property def lamb(self): return self._backend.lamb @lamb.setter def lamb(self, value): self._backend.lamb = value @property def header(self): return self._backend.header @header.setter def header(self, value): self._backend.header = value @property def seds(self): return self._backend.seds @seds.setter def seds(self, value): self._backend.seds = value @property def grid(self): return self._backend.grid @grid.setter def grid(self, value): self._backend.grid = value def __repr__(self): txt = "{} ({})" return txt.format(object.__repr__(self), pretty_size_print(self.nbytes)) def __len__(self): return self._backend.__len__() @property def nbytes(self): """ The number of bytes of the object """ n = sum( k.nbytes if hasattr(k, "nbytes") else sys.getsizeof(k) for k in list(self.__dict__.values()) ) return n
[docs] def keys(self): """ The grid column names """ if hasattr(self._backend, "keys"): return self._backend.keys() else: return []
def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] elif hasattr(self._backend, name): return getattr(self._backend, name) elif hasattr(self.grid, "keys"): return self.grid[name] else: msg = "'{0}' object has no attribute '{1}'" raise AttributeError(msg.format(type(self).__name__, name)) def __getitem__(self, name): return self.grid[name]
[docs] def copy(self): """ returns a copy of the object """ return self.__class__(backend=self._backend.copy())
[docs] class SEDGrid(ModelGrid): """ Generate a grid that the full observational model (SEDs). Currently a direct interface to ModelGrid. Setup for later expansion. Attributes ---------- seds : ndarray 2D `float` array (# models, # bands) giving the seds lamb : ndarray 1D `float` array of the wavelengths of the sed bands filters : list list of the filter names of the sed bands grid : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` table with columns providing the model parameters and other characteristics of the grid header : dict header information cov_diag, cov_offdiag : ndarray 2D 'float' arrays with the covariance matrices of the absolute calibration uncertainties for each model """
[docs] class SpectralGrid(ModelGrid): """ Generate a grid that contains spectra. It provides an access to integrated photometry function getSEDs. Attributes ---------- seds : ndarray 2D `float` array (# models, # bands) giving the seds lamb : ndarray 1D `float` array of the wavelengths of the sed bands grid : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` table with columns providing the model parameters and other characteristics of the grid header : dict header information """
[docs] def getSEDs( self, filter_names, absFlux=True, extLaw=None, inplace=False, filterLib=None, **kwargs ): """ Extract integrated fluxes through filters Parameters ---------- filter_names : list list of filter names according to the filter lib or filter instances (no mixing between name and instances) absFlux : bool, optional returns absolute fluxes if set [capability should be removed] extLaw : extinction.ExtinctionLaw, optional apply extinction law if provided inplace : bool, optional if set, do not copy the grid and apply extinction on it filterLib : str, optional full filename to the filter library hd5 file **kwargs extra keywords will be forworded to extLaw Returns ------- memgrid : :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.grid.SEDGrid` instance grid info with memory backend """ if isinstance(filter_names[0], str): flist = phot.load_filters( filter_names, interp=True, lamb=self.lamb, filterLib=filterLib ) _fnames = filter_names else: flist = phot.load_Integrationfilters( filter_names, interp=True, lamb=self.lamb ) _fnames = [ for fk in filter_names] if extLaw is not None: if not inplace: r = self.applyExtinctionLaw(extLaw, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) lamb, seds, grid = phot.extractSEDs(r, flist, absFlux=absFlux) else: self.applyExtinctionLaw(extLaw, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) lamb, seds, grid = phot.extractSEDs(self, flist, absFlux=absFlux) else: lamb, seds, grid = phot.extractSEDs(self, flist, absFlux=absFlux) memgrid = SEDGrid(lamb, seds, grid, backend=MemoryBackend) setattr(memgrid, "filters", _fnames) return memgrid
[docs] def applyExtinctionLaw(self, extLaw, inplace=False, **kwargs): """ Apply an extinction law to the model grid Parameters ---------- extLaw : extinction.ExtinctionLaw apply extinction law if provided inplace : bool if set, do not copy the grid and apply on it **kwargs extra keywords will be forwarded to extLaw Returns ------- g : :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.grid.SEDGrid` instance or None if not inplace, returns a new :class:`~beast.physicsmodel.helpers.grid.SEDGrid` instance. Otherwise returns `None` """ if not isinstance(extLaw, extinction.ExtinctionLaw): raise TypeError("Expecting ExtinctionLaw object got %s" % type(extLaw)) extCurve = np.exp(-1.0 * extLaw.function(self.lamb[:], **kwargs)) if not inplace: g = self.copy() g.seds = g.seds[:] * extCurve[None, :] g.header["ExtLaw"] = for k, v in kwargs.items(): g.header[k] = v return g else: self.header["ExtLaw"] = for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.header[k] = v self.seds = self.seds[:] * extCurve[None, :]