Isochrone class
Intent to implement a generic module to manage isochrone mining from various
import numpy as np
from numpy import interp
from numpy import log10
from scipy import interpolate
from astropy import units
import tables
from astropy.table import Table
from numpy.lib import recfunctions
# from beast.external.eztables import Table
# from beast.external.eztables.table import recfunctions
from beast.config import __ROOT__
from beast.physicsmodel.stars.ezpadova import parsec
from beast.physicsmodel.stars.ezmist import mist
__all__ = ["Isochrone", "padova2010", "pegase", "ezIsoch", "PadovaWeb", "MISTWeb"]
class Isochrone(object):
def __init__(self, name="", *args, **kwargs):
self.name = name
def _get_isochrone(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
def _get_continuous_isochrone(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return a resampled isochrone accounting for variations
useful for continuous sampling
# define the maximum allowable difference between points
dm = kwargs.pop("dm", 0.01)
dt = kwargs.pop("dt", 0.01)
dl = kwargs.pop("dl", 0.01)
iso = self._get_isochrone(*args, **kwargs)
logT, logg, logL, logM = (iso["logT"], iso["logg"], iso["logL"], iso["logM"])
# compute vector of discrete derivaties for each quantity
# and the final number of points
npts = (np.abs(np.divide(np.diff(logM), dm))).astype(int)
npts += (np.abs(np.divide(np.diff(logT), dt))).astype(int)
npts += (np.abs(np.divide(np.diff(logL), dl))).astype(int)
idx = np.hstack([[0], np.cumsum(npts + 1)])
# set up vectors for storage
ntot = (npts + 1).sum()
newm = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
newdm = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
newt = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
newg = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
newl = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
for i in range(len(npts)):
a, b = idx[i], idx[i] + npts[i] + 1
if npts[i] > 0:
# construct new 1d grids in each dimension, being careful
# about endpoints
# append them to storage vectors
newm[a:b] = np.linspace(
logM[i], logM[i + 1], npts[i] + 1, endpoint=False
newt[a:b] = np.linspace(
logT[i], logT[i + 1], npts[i] + 1, endpoint=False
newg[a:b] = np.linspace(
logg[i], logg[i + 1], npts[i] + 1, endpoint=False
newl[a:b] = np.linspace(
logL[i], logL[i + 1], npts[i] + 1, endpoint=False
newdm[a:b] = (
np.ones(npts[i] + 1) * (logM[i + 1] - logM[i]) / (npts[i] + 1)
# if the maximumum allowable difference is small,
# then just store the good point
newm[a] = logM[i]
newt[a] = logT[i]
newg[a] = logg[i]
newl[a] = logL[i]
newdm[a] = logM[i + 1] - logM[i]
# tack on the last point on the grid, as the loop is one element short
newm[-1] = logM[-1]
newt[-1] = logT[-1]
newg[-1] = logg[-1]
newl[-1] = logL[-1]
newdm[-1] = logM[-1] - logM[-2]
table = Table(dict(logM=newm, logT=newt, logg=newg, logL=newl, dlogm=newdm))
for k in list(iso.header.keys()):
table.header[k] = iso.header[k]
table.header["NAME"] = "Resampled " + table.header["NAME"]
table.header["dlogT"] = dt
table.header["dlogM"] = dm
table.header["dlogg"] = dl
return table
class padova2010(Isochrone):
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Padova 2010 (Marigo 2008 + Girardi 2010)"
self.source = __ROOT__ + "/padova2010.iso.fits"
self.ages = 10 ** np.unique(self.data["logA"])
self.Z = np.unique(self.data["Z"])
def _load_table_(self, source):
t = Table(self.source)
data = {}
for k in list(t.keys()):
data[k] = t[k]
# Alias columns
data["logM"] = log10(np.asarray(data["M_ini"]))
data["logg"] = np.asarray(data["logG"])
data["logT"] = np.asarray(data["logTe"])
data["logL"] = np.asarray(data["logL/Lo"])
data["logA"] = np.asarray(data["log(age/yr)"])
# clean columns
self.data = Table(data, name="Isochrone from %s" % self.name)
def _get_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, masses=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
# make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units)
_age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value)
# if hasUnit(age):
# _age = int(age.to('yr').magnitude)
# else:
# _age = int(age * inputUnit.to('yr').magnitude)
assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value."
if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None):
print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].")
if metal is None:
metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH)
assert metal in self.Z, "Metal %f not find in %s" % (metal, self.Z)
data = {}
t = self.data.selectWhere("*", "(Z == _z)", condvars={"_z": metal})
if _age in self.ages:
# no interpolation, isochrone already in the file
t = t.selectWhere("*", "(logA == _age)", condvars={"_age": log10(_age)})
for kn in list(t.keys()):
data[kn] = np.asarray(t[kn])
# interpolate between isochrones
d = (self.ages - float(_age)) ** 2
a1, a2 = self.ages[np.argsort(d)[:2]]
# print "Warning: Interpolation between %d and %d Myr" % (a1, a2)
r = np.log10(_age / a1) / np.log10(a2 / a1)
t1 = t.selectWhere("*", "logA == _age", condvars={"_age": log10(a1)})
t2 = t.selectWhere("*", "logA == _age", condvars={"_age": log10(a2)})
stop = min(t1.nrows, t2.nrows)
for kn in list(t1.keys()):
y2 = t2[kn][:stop]
y1 = t1[kn][:stop]
data[kn] = y2 * r + y1 * (1.0 - r)
del y1, y2
# mass selection
if masses is not None:
# masses are expected in logM for interpolation
if masses.max() > 2.3:
_m = np.log10(masses)
_m = masses
data_logM = data["logM"][:]
for kn in data:
data[kn] = interp(_m, data_logM, data[kn])
del t
table = Table(data, name="Isochrone from %s" % self.name)
table.header["metal"] = metal
table.header["time"] = _age
return table
class pegase(Isochrone):
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Pegase.2 (Fioc+1997)"
self.source = __ROOT__ + "/pegase.iso.hd5"
self.data = tables.openFile(self.source)
self.ages = np.sort(
np.asarray([k.attrs.time for k in self.data.root.Z02]) * 1e6
self.Z = np.asarray(
float("0." + k[1:])
for k in self.data.root._g_listGroup(self.data.getNode("/"))[0]
def __getstate__(self):
self.data = None
return self.__dict__
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
self.data = tables.openFile(self.source)
def __del__(self):
if self.data is not None:
def _get_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, masses=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
# make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units)
_age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value)
# if hasUnit(age):
# _age = int(age.to('Myr').magnitude)
# else:
# _age = int(age * inputUnit.to('Myr').magnitude)
assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value."
if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None):
print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].")
if metal is None:
metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH)
assert metal in self.Z, "Metal %f not find in %s" % (metal, self.Z)
# node = self.data.getNode('/Z' + str(metal)[2:])
data = {}
if age in self.ages:
# no interpolation, isochrone already in the file
t = self.data.getNode("/Z" + str(metal)[2:] + "/a" + str(_age))
for kn in t.colnames:
data[kn] = t.col(kn)
# interpolate between isochrones
d = (self.ages - float(age)) ** 2
a1, a2 = np.sort(self.ages[np.argsort(d)[:2]] * 1e-6)
# print "Warning: Interpolation between %d and %d Myr" % (a1, a2)
r = np.log10(_age / a1) / np.log10(a2 / a1)
t1 = self.data.getNode("/Z" + str(metal)[2:] + "/a" + str(int(a1)))
t2 = self.data.getNode("/Z" + str(metal)[2:] + "/a" + str(int(a2)))
stop = min(t1.nrows, t2.nrows)
for kn in t1.colnames:
y2 = t2.col(kn)[:stop]
y1 = t1.col(kn)[:stop]
data[kn] = y2 * r + y1 * (1.0 - r)
del y1, y2
# mass selection
if masses is not None:
# masses are expected in logM for interpolation
if masses.max() > 2.3:
_m = np.log10(masses)
_m = masses
data_logM = data["logM"][:]
for kn in data:
data[kn] = interp(_m, data_logM, data[kn])
table = Table(data, name="Isochrone from %s" % self.name)
table.header["metal"] = metal
table.header["time"] = _age * 1e6
return table
class ezIsoch(Isochrone):
""" Trying to make something that is easy to manipulate
This class is basically a proxy to a table (whatever format works best)
and tries to keep things coherent.
def __init__(self, source, interp=False):
self.name = "<auto>"
self.source = source
# round because of precision noise
self.logages = np.unique(np.round(self.data["logA"], 6))
self.ages = np.round(10 ** self.logages)
self.Z = np.unique(np.round(self.data["Z"], 6))
# def selectWhere(self, *args, **kwargs):
# return self.data.selectWhere(*args, **kwargs)
def interpolation(self, b=None):
if b is not None:
if hasattr(self, "interp"):
print("Do not use interpolation yet, at your own risks!!")
self.interp = bool(b)
return self.interp
def _load_table_(self, source):
tdata = Table.read(self.source, format="csv", comment="#")
self.data = tdata[np.isfinite(tdata["logA"])]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.data[key]
def _get_t_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, masses=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
# make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units)
_age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value)
# if hasUnit(age):
# _age = int(age.to('yr').magnitude)
# else:
# _age = int(age * inputUnit.to('yr').magnitude)
_logA = np.log10(_age)
assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value."
if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None):
print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].")
if metal is None:
metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH)
if self.interpolation():
# Do the actual nd interpolation
# Maybe already exists?
if (metal in self.Z) & (_age in self.ages):
t = self.selectWhere(
"(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA, 6) == {1})".format(
metal, _logA
if t.nrows > 0:
return t
# apparently not
# find 2 closest metal values
ca1 = self.ages <= _age
ca2 = self.ages > _age
cz1 = self.Z <= metal
cz2 = self.Z > metal
if metal in self.Z:
# perfect match in metal, need to find ages
if _age in self.ages:
return self.selectWhere(
"(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA, 6) == {1})".format(
metal, _logA
elif (True in ca1) & (True in ca2):
# bracket on _age: closest values
a1, a2 = (
iso = self.selectWhere(
"(Z == 0.02) & ( (abs(logA - {0}) < 1e-4) | (abs(logA - {1}) < 1e-4 ) )".format(
a1, a2
if masses is None:
_logM = np.unique(iso["logM"])
_logM = masses
# define interpolator
points = np.array([self[k] for k in "logA logM Z".split()]).T
values = np.array([self[k] for k in list(self.data.keys())]).T
_ifunc = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(points, values)
pts = np.array([(_logA, logMk, metal) for logMk in _logM])
r = _ifunc(pts)
return Table(r)
raise Exception("Age not covered by the isochrones")
elif (True in cz1) & (True in cz2):
# need to find closest Z
# find the closest match
_Z = self.Z[((metal - self.Z) ** 2).argmin()]
# _logA = np.log10(self.ages[((_age - self.ages) ** 2).argmin()])
_logA = self.logages[((np.log10(_age) - self.logages) ** 2).argmin()]
tab = self.data.selectWhere(
"*", "(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA,6) == {1})".format(_Z, _logA)
# mass selection
if masses is not None:
# masses are expected in logM for interpolation
# if masses.max() > 2.3:
# _m = np.log10(masses)
# else:
_m = masses
data_logM = tab["logM"][:]
# refuse extrapolation!
# ind = np.where(_m <= max(data_logM))
data = {}
for kn in list(tab.keys()):
data[kn] = interp(_m, data_logM, tab[kn], left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
return Table(data)
class PadovaWeb(Isochrone):
def __init__(
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.name = "Padova CMD isochrones"
if Zref is None:
if modeltype.startswith("parsec"):
Zref = 0.0152
Zref = 0.019
self.Zref = Zref
self.modeltype = modeltype
self.filterPMS = filterPMS
self.filterBad = filterBad
def _get_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
# make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units)
_age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value)
# if hasUnit(age):
# _age = int(age.to('yr').magnitude)
# else:
# _age = int(age * inputUnit.to('yr').magnitude)
assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value."
if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None):
print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].")
if metal is None:
metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH)
iso_table = parsec.get_one_isochrone(
_age, metal, ret_table=True, model=self.modeltype
iso_table = self._clean_cols(iso_table)
iso_table = self._filter_iso_points(
iso_table, filterPMS=self.filterPMS, filterBad=self.filterBad
return iso_table
def _clean_cols(self, iso_table):
"""clean column names, remove unnecessary columns"""
# Rename Columns
if self.modeltype == "parsec12s_r14":
iso_table.add_column("logA", np.log10(iso_table["Age"][:]))
iso_table.add_column("logT", iso_table["logTe"][:])
iso_table.add_column("M_ini", iso_table["Mini"][:])
iso_table.add_column("M_act", iso_table["Mass"][:])
iso_table.add_column("stage", iso_table["label"][:])
iso_table.remove_columns(["Age", "logTe", "Mini", "Mass", "label"])
# Remove age-specific Z, rename Zini as Z
iso_table.add_column("Z", iso_table["Zini"][:])
# Padova (Girardi10, Marigo08, etc), Old PARSEC Column Names
iso_table.add_column("logA", iso_table["logageyr"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logL", iso_table["logLLo"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logT", iso_table["logTe"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logg", iso_table["logG"][:])
iso_table.remove_columns(["logageyr", "logLLo", "logTe", "logG"])
# Remove phot columns and unnecessary properties
filternames = "U UX B BX V R I J H K L M".split()
theorycols = [
# removing mass loss outputs
theorycols += ["logMdot", "Mloss"]
abundcols = "X Y Xc Xn Xo Cexcess".split()
drop = theorycols + abundcols + filternames + [s + "mag" for s in filternames]
# make sure columns exist
iso_table.remove_columns([x for x in drop if x in iso_table])
# polish the header
iso_table.setUnit("logA", "yr")
iso_table.setComment("logA", "Age")
iso_table.setUnit("logT", "K")
iso_table.setComment("logT", "Effective temperature")
iso_table.setUnit("logL", "Lsun")
iso_table.setComment("logL", "Luminosity")
iso_table.setUnit("M_ini", "Msun")
iso_table.setComment("M_ini", "Initial Mass")
iso_table.setUnit("M_act", "Msun")
iso_table.setComment("M_act", "Current Mass, M(t)")
iso_table.setUnit("logg", "cm/s**2")
iso_table.setComment("logg", "Surface gravity")
iso_table.setComment("stage", "Evolutionary Stage")
iso_table.setComment("Z", "Metallicity")
# iso_table.setUnit('logMdot', 'Msun/yr')
# iso_table.setComment('logMdot', 'Mass loss')
return iso_table
def _filter_iso_points(self, iso_table, filterPMS=False, filterBad=False):
""" Filter bad points and PMS points
Bad points known to affect pre-PARSEC isochronesself.
Selection is an empirical definition.
# Filter pre-ms stars
if filterPMS:
cond = "~((M_ini < 12.) & (stage == 0))"
iso_table = iso_table.selectWhere("*", cond)
# Filter bad points for pre-PARSEC, PadovaCMDVersion < 2.7 isochrones
if filterBad:
if not self.modeltype.startswith("parsec"):
cond = "~((logL > 3.) & (M_act < 1.) & (log10(M_ini / M_act) > 0.1))"
iso_table = iso_table.selectWhere("*", cond)
print("No bad point filtering for PARSEC models.")
return iso_table
def _get_t_isochrones(self, logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Z=0.0152):
""" Generate a proper table directly from the PADOVA website
logtmin: float
log-age min (age in yr)
logtmax: float
log-age max (age in yr)
dlogt: float
log-age step to request
Z: float or sequence
single value of list of values of metalicity Z
tab: eztable.Table
the table of isochrones
if not hasattr(Z, "__iter__"):
iso_table = parsec.get_t_isochrones(
max(6.0, logtmin), min(10.13, logtmax), dlogt, Z, model=self.modeltype
iso_table.header["NAME"] = "PadovaCMD Isochrones: " + self.modeltype
if "Z" not in iso_table:
iso_table.add_column("Z", np.ones(iso_table.nrows) * Z)
# rename cols, remove phot and other unnecessary cols
iso_table = self._clean_cols(iso_table)
# filter iso data: pre-ms and bad points
iso_table = self._filter_iso_points(
iso_table, filterPMS=self.filterPMS, filterBad=self.filterBad
iso_table = self._get_t_isochrones(logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Z[0])
iso_table.header["NAME"] = "PadovaCMD Isochrones: " + self.modeltype
if len(Z) > 1:
more = [
self._get_t_isochrones(logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Zk).data
for Zk in Z[1:]
iso_table.data = recfunctions.stack_arrays(
[iso_table.data] + more, usemask=False, asrecarray=True
return iso_table
class MISTWeb(Isochrone):
def __init__(self, Zref=0.0142, rotation="vvcrit0.0", *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.name = "MESA/MIST isochrones"
self.Zref = Zref
self.rotation = rotation
def _get_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" Retrieve isochrone from the original source
internal use to adapt any library
# make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units)
_age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value)
# if hasUnit(age):
# _age = int(age.to('yr').magnitude)
# else:
# _age = int(age * inputUnit.to('yr').magnitude)
assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value."
if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None):
print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].")
if FeH is None:
FeH = self.metaltoFeH(metal)
iso_table = mist.get_one_isochrone(
_age, FeH, v_div_vcrit=self.rotation, age_scale="log10", ret_table=True
iso_table = self._clean_cols(iso_table)
return iso_table
def _clean_cols(self, iso_table):
"""clean column names, remove unnecessary columns"""
# Rename Columns
iso_table.add_column("logA", iso_table["log10_isochrone_age_yr"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logT", iso_table["log_Teff"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logL", iso_table["log_L"][:])
iso_table.add_column("M_ini", iso_table["initial_mass"][:])
iso_table.add_column("M_act", iso_table["star_mass"][:])
iso_table.add_column("logg", iso_table["log_g"][:])
iso_table.add_column("stage", iso_table["phase"][:])
# Remove phot columns and unnecessary properties
extracol1 = "star_mdot he_core_mass c_core_mass log_LH log_LHe log_R".split()
extracol2 = "log_center_T log_center_Rho center_gamma center_h1 center_he4 center_c12".split()
extracol3 = "surface_h1 surface_he3 surface_he4 surface_c12 surface_o16".split()
drop = extracol1 + extracol2 + extracol3
# make sure columns exist
iso_table.remove_columns([x for x in drop if x in iso_table])
# polish the header
iso_table.setUnit("logA", "yr")
iso_table.setComment("logA", "Age")
iso_table.setUnit("logT", "K")
iso_table.setComment("logT", "Effective temperature")
iso_table.setUnit("logL", "Lsun")
iso_table.setComment("logL", "Luminosity")
iso_table.setUnit("M_ini", "Msun")
iso_table.setComment("M_ini", "Initial Mass")
iso_table.setUnit("M_act", "Msun")
iso_table.setComment("M_act", "Current Mass, M(t)")
iso_table.setUnit("logg", "cm/s**2")
iso_table.setComment("logg", "Surface gravity")
iso_table.setComment("stage", "Evolutionary Stage")
iso_table.setComment("Z", "Metallicity")
# iso_table.setUnit('logMdot', 'Msun/yr')
# iso_table.setComment('logMdot', 'Mass loss')
return iso_table
def _get_t_isochrones(self, logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Z=0.0142):
""" Generate a proper table directly from the PADOVA website
logtmin: float
log-age min (age in yr)
logtmax: float
log-age max (age in yr)
dlogt: float
log-age step to request
Z: float or sequence
single value of list of values of metalicity Z
tab: eztable.Table
the table of isochrones
if not hasattr(Z, "__iter__"):
iso_table = mist.get_t_isochrones(
max(5.0, logtmin),
min(10.13, logtmax),
FeH_value=np.log10(Z / self.Zref),
iso_table.header["NAME"] = "MESA/MIST Isochrones"
if "Z" not in iso_table:
iso_table.add_column("Z", np.ones(iso_table.nrows) * Z)
# rename cols, remove phot and other unnecessary cols
iso_table = self._clean_cols(iso_table)
iso_table = self._get_t_isochrones(logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Z[0])
iso_table.header["NAME"] = "MESA/MIST Isochrones"
if len(Z) > 1:
more = [
self._get_t_isochrones(logtmin, logtmax, dlogt, Zk).data
for Zk in Z[1:]
iso_table.data = recfunctions.stack_arrays(
[iso_table.data] + more, usemask=False, asrecarray=True
return iso_table