Source code for beast.physicsmodel.grid_weights_stars

Grid Weights
The use of a non-uniformly spaced grid complicates the marginalization
step as the trick of summation instead of integration is used.  But this
trick only works when the grid is uniformly spaced in all dimensions.

If the grid is not uniformly spaced, weights can be used to correct
for the non-uniform spacing.
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

[docs]def compute_bin_boundaries(tab): """ Computes the boundaries of bins The bin boundaries are defined as the midpoint between each value in tab. At the two edges, 1/2 of the bin width is subtractted/added to the min/max of tab. Parameters ---------- tab : numpy array centers of each bin Returns ------- tab2 : numpy array boundaries of the bins """ temp = tab[1:] - np.diff(tab) / 2.0 tab2 = np.zeros(len(tab) + 1) tab2[0] = tab[0] - np.diff(tab)[0] / 2.0 tab2[-1] = tab[-1] + np.diff(tab)[-1] / 2.0 tab2[1:-1] = temp return tab2
[docs]def compute_age_grid_weights(logages): """ Computes the age weights to set a uniform prior on linear SFR Parameters ---------- logages : numpy vector log(ages) Returns ------- age_weights : numpy vector total masses at each age for a constant SFR in linear age """ # ages need to be monotonically increasing aindxs = np.argsort(logages) # Computes the bin boundaries in log logages_bounds = compute_bin_boundaries(logages[aindxs]) # initialize the age weights age_weights = np.full(len(aindxs), 0.0) # Returns the age weight as a numpy array age_weights[aindxs] = np.diff(10 ** (logages_bounds)) # normalize to avoid numerical issues (too small or too large) age_weights /= np.average(age_weights) # return in the order that logages was passed return age_weights
[docs]def compute_mass_grid_weights(masses): """ Computes the mass weights to set a uniform prior on linear mass Parameters ---------- masses : numpy vector masses Returns ------- mass_weights : numpy vector weights to provide a constant SFR in linear age """ # sort the initial mass along this isochrone sindxs = np.argsort(masses) # Compute the mass bin boundaries masses_bounds = compute_bin_boundaries(masses[sindxs]) # compute the weights = bin widths mass_weights = np.zeros(len(masses)) mass_weights[sindxs] = np.diff(masses_bounds) # normalize to avoid numerical issues (too small or too large) mass_weights /= np.average(mass_weights) return mass_weights
[docs]def compute_metallicity_grid_weights(mets): """ Computes the metallicity weights to set a uniform prior on linear metallicity Parameters ---------- mets : numpy vector metallicities Returns ------- metallicity_weights : numpy vector weights to provide a flat metallicity """ # sort the initial mass along this isochrone sindxs = np.argsort(mets) # Compute the mass bin boundaries mets_bounds = compute_bin_boundaries(mets[sindxs]) # compute the weights = bin widths mets_weights = np.zeros(len(mets)) mets_weights[sindxs] = np.diff(mets_bounds) # normalize to avoid numerical issues (too small or too large) mets_weights /= np.average(mets_weights) return mets_weights
[docs]def compute_distance_grid_weights(dists): """ Computes the distance weights to set a uniform prior on linear distance Parameters ---------- dists : numpy vector distances Returns ------- dist_weights : numpy vector weights to provide a flat distance """ # sort tdists = np.array(dists) sindxs = np.argsort(tdists) # Compute the bin boundaries dists_bounds = compute_bin_boundaries(tdists[sindxs]) # compute the weights = bin widths dists_weights = np.zeros(len(tdists)) dists_weights[sindxs] = np.diff(dists_bounds) # normalize to avoid numerical issues (too small or too large) dists_weights /= np.average(dists_weights) return dists_weights