Source code for beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridbackends

Backends to handle the model grids different ways

Multiple backends are available to reduce the memory footprint for a
performance cost as small as possible.

Implemented Backends

    Load everything into memory. Can initiate from variables, a filename,
    CacheBackend, and DiskBackend.

    Load data only at the first request. You can work using only seds or only
    model properties without the overhead of loading both. (works with FITS and
    HDF files). Offers also dropping part of the data.

    Works directly with an h5py support, ie., on disk. Cache and reading
    are allowed through any way offered by h5py, which becomes very handy
    for very low-memory tasks such as doing single star figures.
import sys
from import fits
import h5py
import copy
from astropy.table import Table
from import read_table_hdf5

from beast.physicsmodel.helpers.gridhelpers import pretty_size_print, isNestedInstance

__all__ = ["GridBackend", "MemoryBackend", "CacheBackend", "DiskBackend"]

def _decodebytestring(a):
    Convert to string if input is a bytestring.

    a : byte or str
        string or bytestring

        string version of input
    if isinstance(a, bytes):
        return a.decode()
        return a

def _gethdfdatasetmeta(hdfds):
    Extract the meta(header) information from the grid dataset in a hdf file.
    Done without reading the entire grid into memory.

    hdfds : h5py dataset
        the hdf dataset

    header : dict
        dictionary of header information
    exclude = ["NROWS", "VERSION", "CLASS", "EXTNAME"]
    header = {}
    attrs = hdfds.attrs
    for k in hdfds.attrs.keys():
        if (k not in exclude) & (k[:5] != "FIELD") & (k[:5] != "ALIAS"):
            header[k] = _decodebytestring(attrs[k])
    return header

[docs]class GridBackend(object): """ How the content of a grid is handled. The idea is to provide enough flexibility that low-memory footprint can be achieved if needed This class is a generic implementation that will be derived into more classes """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._filters = None self._header = None self.fname = None self._aliases = {} @property def nbytes(self): """ return the number of bytes of the object """ n = sum( k.nbytes if hasattr(k, "nbytes") else sys.getsizeof(k) for k in list(self.__dict__.values()) ) return n @property def header(self): return self._header def __len__(self): """ number of models in grid """ return len(self.grid)
[docs] def keys(self): """ returns the grid keys""" if hasattr(self.grid, "keys"): return list(self.grid.keys()) else: return []
def _get_type(self, fname): """ determine the type of the file fname """ types = {"fits": "fits", "hdf": "hdf", "hd5": "hdf", "hdf5": "hdf"} # else: fext = fname.split(".")[-1] if fext not in types: raise ValueError(f"{fext} file type not supported") else: return types[fext] def __repr__(self): """ print the object and memory usage""" txt = "{}\n source: {}, \n current memory footprint: {}" return txt.format( object.__repr__(self), self.fname, pretty_size_print(self.nbytes) )
[docs] def write(self, fname, append=False): """ Save the file in a format based on the filename extension fname: str filename (incl. path) """ # non supported types raise an error in self._get_type if self._get_type(fname) == "fits": self.writeFITS(fname) elif self._get_type(fname) == "hdf": self.writeHDF(fname, append=append)
[docs] def writeFITS(self, fname, overwrite=False): """ Save to fits file Parameters ---------- fname: str filename (incl. path) to export to overwrite : bool, optional Set to overwrite the fits file """ if (self.lamb is not None) & (self.seds is not None) & (self.grid is not None): if not isinstance(self.grid, Table): raise ValueError("Only astropy.Table are supported") hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.lamb)) hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.seds, name="seds")) if self.cov_diag is not None: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.cov_diag, name="covdiag")) if self.cov_offdiag is not None: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.cov_offdiag, name="covoffdiag")) hdulist.append(fits.BinTableHDU(self.grid, name="grid")) hdulist.writeto(fname, overwrite=overwrite) else: raise ValueError("Full data set not specified (lamb, seds, grid)")
[docs] def writeHDF(self, fname, append=False): """ Save to HDF file Parameters ---------- fname : str filename (incl. path) append : bool, optional (default False) if set, it will append data to each Array or Table """ if (self.lamb is not None) & (self.seds is not None) & (self.grid is not None): if not isinstance(self.grid, Table): raise ValueError("Only astropy.Table are supported") with h5py.File(fname, "w") as hd: if (not append) or ("seds" not in hd.keys()): hd["seds"] = self.seds[:] hd["lamb"] = self.lamb[:] if self.cov_diag is not None: hd["covdiag"] = self.cov_diag[:] if self.cov_offdiag is not None: hd["covoffdiag"] = self.cov_offdiag[:] else: raise Exception("Appending to HDF5 file not supported") if getattr(self, "filters", None) is not None: if "filters" not in list(self.header.keys()): self.header["filters"] = " ".join(self.filters) # append the table of the grid parameters to the file self.grid.meta = self.header self.grid.write(fname, path="grid", format="hdf5", append=True) else: raise ValueError("Full data set not specified (lamb, seds, grid)")
def _from_GridBackend(self, b): """ _from_GridBackend -- convert from generic backend Parameters ---------- b: GridBackend or sub class backend to convert from """ self.lamb = b.lamb self.seds = b.seds self.grid = b.grid self._filters = b._filters self._header = b.header self._aliases = b._aliases def _from_DiskBackend(self, b): """ convert from DiskBackend Parameters ---------- b: GridBackend or sub class backend to convert from """ self.lamb = self.seds = self.grid = Table( self._filters = b._filters[:] self._header = b.header self._aliases = b._aliases
[docs]class MemoryBackend(GridBackend): """ Instanciate a grid object that has no physical storage Helps to create new grids on the fly. Because it derives from ModelGrid, this can be exported on disk too. """ def __init__( self, lamb, seds=None, grid=None, cov_diag=None, cov_offdiag=None, header={}, aliases={}, ): """ Parameters ---------- lamb : ndarray or str or GridBackend subclass if ndarray - 1D `float` wavelength of the SEDs (requires seds and grid arguments) if str - filename of grid on disk if backend - ref to the given grid seds : ndarray, optional 2D `float` array of seds grid : astropy.Table, optional table of properties associated to each sed cov_diag : ndarray, optional 2D `float` array (# models, # filters) of the diagonal elements of the absolute flux covariance matrix cov_offdiag : ndarray, optional 2D `float` array (# models, # elements) of the off diagonal elements of the absolute flux covariance matrix header : dict, optional if provided, update the grid table header aliases : dict, optional if provided, update the grid table aliases """ super().__init__() # read from various formats if isinstance(lamb, DiskBackend): self._from_DiskBackend(lamb) elif isNestedInstance(lamb, GridBackend): self._from_GridBackend(lamb) elif isinstance(lamb, (str, bytes)): self._from_File(lamb) else: if (seds is None) | (grid is None): raise ValueError("seds or grid not passed") self.lamb = lamb self.seds = seds self.grid = grid if (cov_diag is not None) & (cov_offdiag is not None): self.cov_diag = cov_diag self.cov_offdiag = cov_offdiag else: self.cov_diag = None self.cov_offdiag = None # update header if self._header is None: self._header = header else: for k, v in list(header.items()): self.header[k] = v # update aliases self._aliases.update(aliases) self.fname = ":memory:" @property def filters(self): """filters""" r = self._header.get("filters", None) or self._header.get("FILTERS", None) if r is None: return r r = r.split() return [_decodebytestring(tr) for tr in r] def _from_File(self, fname): """ Load the content of a file Parameters ---------- fname: str filename (incl. path) to read from """ # load_seds - load wavelength and seds if self._get_type(fname) == "fits": with as f: extnames = [f[k].header["EXTNAME"].lower() for k in range(1, len(f))] if "seds" in extnames: # new format self.lamb = f[0].data self.seds = f["seds"].data if "covdiag" in extnames: self.cov_diag = f["covdiag"].data else: self.cov_diag = None if "covoffdiag" in extnames: self.cov_offdiag = f["covoffdiag"].data else: self.cov_offdiag = None self._header = f["grid"].header self.grid = Table(f["grid"].data) else: # old format (used for stellar atmosphere grids, remove when those updated) with as f: self.seds = f[0].data[:-1] self.lamb = f[0].data[-1] self._header = f[1].header self.grid = elif self._get_type(fname) == "hdf": with h5py.File(fname, "r") as s: self.seds = s["seds"][()] self.lamb = s["lamb"][()] if "covdiag" in s.keys(): self.cov_diag = s["covdiag"][()] else: self.cov_diag = None if "covdiag" in s.keys(): self.cov_offdiag = s["covoffdiag"][()] else: self.cov_offdiag = None self.grid = read_table_hdf5(s["grid"]) self._header = self.grid.meta if "filters" in self._header.keys(): self._header["filters"] = _decodebytestring(self._header["filters"])
[docs] def copy(self): """ implement a copy method """ g = MemoryBackend( copy.deepcopy(self.lamb), seds=copy.deepcopy(self.seds), grid=copy.deepcopy(self.grid), cov_diag=copy.deepcopy(self.cov_diag), cov_offdiag=copy.deepcopy(self.cov_offdiag), ) g._filters = copy.deepcopy(self._filters) g._header = copy.deepcopy(self._header) g._aliases = copy.deepcopy(self._aliases) return g
[docs]class CacheBackend(GridBackend): """ Load content from a file only when needed """ def __init__(self, fname, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- fname : str name of file containing the grid """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fname = fname self._type = self._get_type(fname) self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self, attrname=None): """clear current cache Parameters ---------- attrname : str in [lamb, filters, grid, header, lamb, seds] if provided clear only one attribute else all cache will be erased """ if attrname is None: self._seds = None self._lamb = None self._cov_diag = None self._cov_offdiag = None self._filters = None self._grid = None self._header = None self._filters = None else: setattr(self, "_{0}".format(attrname), None)
def _load_seds(self): """ Load in the SEDs from file if not present """ if self._seds is None: if self._type == "fits": with as f: self._seds = f["seds"].data elif self._type == "hdf": with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as s: self._seds = s["seds"][()] def _load_cov_diag(self): """ Load in the cov_diag from file if not present """ if self._cov_diag is None: if self._type == "fits": with as f: self._cov_diag = f["covdiag"].data elif self._type == "hdf": with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as s: self._cov_diag = s["covdiag"][()] def _load_cov_offdiag(self): """ Load in the cov_offdiag from file if not present """ if self._cov_offdiag is None: if self._type == "fits": with as f: self._cov_offdiag = f["covoffdiag"].data elif self._type == "hdf": with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as s: self._cov_offdiag = s["covoffdiag"][()] def _load_lamb(self): """ Load in the wavelengths from file if not present """ if self._lamb is None: if self._type == "fits": with as f: self._lamb = f[0].data elif self._type == "hdf": with h5py.File(self.fname, mode="r") as s: self._lamb = s["lamb"][()] def _load_grid(self): """ Load in the grid from file if not present """ if self._grid is None: if self._type == "fits": self._grid = elif self._type == "hdf": self._grid =, path="grid", format="hdf5") def _load_header(self): """ Load in the header of the grid if not present """ if self._header is None: if self._type == "fits": with as f: self._header = f["grid"].header elif self._type == "hdf": with h5py.File(self.fname, mode="r") as s: self._header = _gethdfdatasetmeta(s["grid"]) def _load_filters(self): """ Load in the filters from file if not present """ if self._filters is None: self._load_header() try1 = self._header.get("FILTERS", None) try2 = self._header.get("filters", None) self._filters = try1 or try2 if self._filters is not None: self._filters = self._filters.split() @property def seds(self): self._load_seds() return self._seds @seds.setter def seds(self, value): self._seds = value @property def lamb(self): self._load_lamb() return self._lamb @lamb.setter def lamb(self, value): self._lamb = value @property def cov_diag(self): self._load_cov_diag() return self._cov_diag @cov_diag.setter def cov_diag(self, value): self._cov_diag = value @property def cov_offdiag(self): self._load_cov_offdiag() return self._cov_offdiag @cov_offdiag.setter def cov_offdiag(self, value): self._cov_offdiag = value @property def grid(self): self._load_grid() return self._grid @grid.setter def grid(self, value): self._grid = value @property def header(self): self._load_header() return self._header @header.setter def header(self, value): self._header = value @property def filters(self): self._load_filters() return self._filters @filters.setter def filters(self, value): self._filters = value
[docs] def keys(self): """ return column names when possible, avoid loading when possible """ if hasattr(self._grid, "keys"): return list(self._grid.keys()) else: super().keys()
[docs] def copy(self): """ implement a copy method """ g = CacheBackend(self.fname) g._aliases = copy.deepcopy(self._aliases) if self._grid is not None: g._grid = copy.deepcopy(self._grid) if self._seds is not None: g._seds = copy.deepcopy(self._seds) if self._lamb is not None: g._lamb = copy.deepcopy(self._lamb) if self._cov_diag is not None: g._cov_diag = copy.deepcopy(self._cov_diag) if self._cov_offdiag is not None: g._cov_offdiag = copy.deepcopy(self._cov_offdiag) if self._header is not None: g._header = copy.deepcopy(self._header) if self._filters is not None: g._filters = copy.deepcopy(self._filters) return g
[docs]class DiskBackend(GridBackend): """ Reads the data from disk when it is accessed. This supports reading only a portion (e.g., slices/subsets) of the requsted data. This allows spectral and SED grids larger than can fit into memory. Only hdf files supported. """ def __init__(self, fname, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) ftype = self._get_type(fname) if ftype != "hdf": raise ValueError("Expecting HDF file got {0}".format(ftype)) self.fname = fname = h5py.File(self.fname, mode="r") self.seds =["seds"] self.lamb =["lamb"] self.grid =["grid"] self.cov_diag = None if "covdiag" in self.cov_diag =["covdiag"] if "covoffdiag" in self.cov_offdiag =["covoffdiag"] self._filters = None self._header = None self._aliases = {} @property def header(self): if self._header is None: self._header = _gethdfdatasetmeta(self.grid) return self._header @property def filters(self): """load in cache if needed """ if self._filters is None: if self._header is None: self._header = _gethdfdatasetmeta(self.grid) self._filters = self._header.get("FILTERS", None) or self._header.get( "filters", None ) if self._filters is not None: self._filters = self._filters.split() return self._filters
[docs] def keys(self): """ return column names when possible """ return list(self.grid.dtype.fields.keys())
[docs] def copy(self): g = DiskBackend(self.fname) g._aliases = copy.deepcopy(self._aliases) return g