Source code for beast.plotting.plot_chi2_hist

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits

__all__ = ["plot_chi2_hist"]

[docs]def plot_chi2_hist(beast_stats_file, n_bins=50): """ Make a histogram of the chi2 values Parameters ---------- beast_stats_file : str path+file for the BEAST fitting results n_bins : int (default=50) number of bins to use in the histogram """ # read in stats file with as beast_hdu: beast_table = beast_hdu[1].data # grab some info # - chi2 chi2 = beast_table["chi2min"] # - filters # filter_list = list(set( ['[F]...[W]',col).group(0) for col in beast_table.columns.names if #'[F]...[W]',col) is not None] )) # n_filter = len(filter_list) # - fit parameters # param_list = [col[:-4] for col in beast_table.columns.names if 'p50' in col and '_F' not in col] # n_param = 6 # figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) ax = plt.gca() # make histogram plt.hist( np.log10(chi2), bins=n_bins, facecolor="grey", linewidth=0.25, edgecolor="grey" ) hist_ylim = ax.get_ylim() # reduced chi2 # ... well, that's not so straightforward # mark chi2=1 plt.plot( [0, 0], [-100, 1.2 * hist_ylim[1]], linestyle=":", linewidth=2, color="black", alpha=0.75, ) # mark median chi2 plt.plot( [np.log10(np.median(chi2)), np.log10(np.median(chi2))], [-100, 1.2 * hist_ylim[1]], linestyle="--", linewidth=2, color="black", alpha=0.75, ) plt.text( np.log10(np.median(chi2)) + 0.2, 0.93 * hist_ylim[1], r"$\chi^2_{\mathrm{p50}}$ = " + "{:.2f}".format(np.median(chi2)), ha="left", va="center", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Log $\chi^2$") ax.set_ylim(hist_ylim) plt.tight_layout() # save figure fig.savefig(beast_stats_file.replace(".fits", "_chi2hist.pdf")) plt.close("all")