Source code for beast.plotting.plot_indiv_pdfs

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from import fits
import copy

__all__ = ["plot_indiv_pdfs"]

[docs]def plot_indiv_pdfs(pdf1d_file, pdf2d_file, starnum): """ Make a triangle/corner plot with the 1D and 2D PDFs of a star Parameters ---------- pdf1d_file : str path+file for the BEAST 1D PDFs pdf2d_file : list of strings path+file for the BEAST 2D PDFs starnum : int the index of the star to plot """ with as hdu_2d, as hdu_1d: # start with the 2D PDF file to figure out which parameters to plot # list of extension names # - skip the extension named "PRIMARY" # - skip any extension with a dimension of 1 (means that param wasn't fit) ext_list = [ hdu_2d[i].name for i in range(len(hdu_2d)) if ("PRIMARY" not in hdu_2d[i].name) and (1 not in hdu_2d[i].data.shape) ] # grab the parameter names param_list_temp = [i for x in ext_list for i in x.split("+")] # put them in the order we want _plot_order = ["M_ini", "logA", "distance", "Z", "Av", "Rv", "f_A"] param_list = [p for p in _plot_order if p in param_list_temp] # if there are parameters not in the predetermined plot order, append them for p in param_list_temp: if p not in param_list: param_list.append(p) # total number of parameters n_params = len(param_list) # figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * n_params, 4 * n_params)) # label font sizes label_font = 25 tick_font = 22 # iterate through the panels for i, pi in enumerate(param_list): for j, pj in enumerate(param_list[i:], i): # print('plotting {0} and {1}'.format(pi, pj)) # not along diagonal if i != j: # set up subplot plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + j * (n_params) + 1) ax = plt.gca() # find the 2D PDF and make sure it's properly rotated try: image = hdu_2d[pi + "+" + pj].data[starnum, :, :].T except KeyError: image = hdu_2d[pj + "+" + pi].data[starnum, :, :] except Exception: raise # create axis/labels x_bins, x_label = setup_axis(pi, hdu_1d) y_bins, y_label = setup_axis(pj, hdu_1d) # plot 2D PDF image im = plt.imshow( np.log(image / np.max(image)), extent=( np.min(x_bins), np.max(x_bins), np.min(y_bins), np.max(y_bins), ), cmap="magma", vmin=-10, vmax=0, aspect="auto", origin="lower", ) # attempt to plot 1/2/3 sigma contours # (doesn't work if the probability is super concentrated, # which is generally due to the grid being really coarse) try: im_sort = np.sort(image, axis=None)[::-1] cumsum = np.cumsum(im_sort) cumsum /= np.max(cumsum) clevels = [ np.log(im_sort[np.where(cumsum <= p)[0][-1]]) for p in [0.68, 0.95, 0.997] ] plt.contour( x_bins, y_bins, image, levels=clevels, colors="k", linestyles="-", ) except IndexError: # print(" can't make contours for this") pass except ValueError: pass except Exception: raise ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", direction="in", labelsize=tick_font, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True, ) # axis labels and ticks if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=label_font) # ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.35,0.5) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if j == n_params - 1: ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=label_font) plt.xticks(rotation=-45) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) # along diagonal if i == j: # set up subplot plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + j * (n_params) + 1) ax = plt.gca() # create axis/labels x_bins, x_label = setup_axis(pi, hdu_1d) # make histogram _pdf = hdu_1d[pi].data[starnum, :] plt.plot( x_bins, _pdf / np.max(_pdf), marker="o", mew=0, color="black", markersize=2, linestyle="-", ) # axis ranges plt.xlim(np.min(x_bins), np.max(x_bins)) plt.ylim(0, 1.05) ax.tick_params( axis="y", which="both", length=0, labelsize=tick_font ) ax.tick_params( axis="x", which="both", direction="in", labelsize=tick_font ) # axis labels and ticks ax.set_yticklabels([]) if i < n_params - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) if i == n_params - 1: ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=label_font) plt.xticks(rotation=-45) # plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) plt.tight_layout() # add a colorbar gs = GridSpec(nrows=20, ncols=n_params) cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label("Log Likelihood", fontsize=label_font) gs.tight_layout(fig) fig.savefig( pdf1d_file.replace("pdf1d.fits", "pdfs_starnum_{0}.pdf".format(starnum)) ) plt.close(fig)
def setup_axis(param, pdf1d_hdu): """ Set up the bins and labels for a parameter Parameters ---------- param : string name of the parameter we're binning/labeling pdf1d_hdu : HDU object the HDU for param (to get the bins) Returns ------- bins : numpy array bin edges label : string the axis label to use """ # mass and metallicity get log spaced if ("M_" in param) or (param == "Z"): bins = np.log10(pdf1d_hdu[param].data[-1, :]) label = "log " + param # for all others, standard linear spacing is ok else: bins = pdf1d_hdu[param].data[-1, :] label = copy.copy(param) return bins, label