Source code for

Functions for interacting with the BEAST model

import numpy as np
import h5py
from tqdm import tqdm

__all__ = ["read_lnp_data", "read_noise_data", "read_sed_data", "get_lnp_grid_vals"]

[docs]def read_lnp_data(filename, nstars=None, shift_lnp=True): """ Read in the sparse lnp for all the stars in the hdf5 file Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the file with the sparse lnp values nstars : int (default=None) if you want to check that the number of lnp values is correct, set this to the number of stars expected in the file shift_lnp : boolean (default=True) if True, shift lnp values to have a max of 0.0 Returns ------- lnp_data : dictonary contains arrays of the lnp values and indices to the BEAST model grid """ with h5py.File(filename, "r") as lnp_hdf: # get keyword names for the stars (as opposed to filter info) star_key_list = [sname for sname in lnp_hdf.keys() if "star" in sname] tot_stars = len(star_key_list) if nstars is not None: if tot_stars != nstars: raise ValueError( "Error: number of stars not equal between nstars image and lnp file" ) # initialize arrays # - find the lengths of the sparse likelihoods lnp_sizes = [lnp_hdf[sname]["lnp"][()].shape[0] for sname in star_key_list] # - set arrays to the maximum size lnp_vals = np.full((np.max(lnp_sizes), tot_stars), -np.inf, dtype=float) lnp_indxs = np.full((np.max(lnp_sizes), tot_stars), np.nan, dtype=int) # loop over all the stars (groups) for k, sname in enumerate(star_key_list): lnp_vals[: lnp_sizes[k], k] = lnp_hdf[sname]["lnp"][()] lnp_indxs[: lnp_sizes[k], k] = np.array(lnp_hdf[sname]["idx"][()]) if shift_lnp: # shift the log(likelihood) values to have a max of 0.0 # ok if the same shift is applied to all stars in a pixel # avoids numerical issues later when we go to intergrate probs lnp_vals -= np.max(lnp_vals) return {"vals": lnp_vals, "indxs": lnp_indxs}
[docs]def read_noise_data( filename, param_list=["bias", "completeness", "error"], filter_col=None ): """ Read some or all of the noise model parameters, for one or all of the filters Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the file with the BEAST observationmodel grid param_list : list of strings the set of parameters to extract filter_col : int (default=None) if set, only return the data for this column number Returns ------- noise_data : dictonary contains arrays of the noise parameters """ noise_data = {} # open files for reading with h5py.File(filename, "r") as noise_hdf: # get beast physicsmodel params for param in tqdm(param_list, desc="reading noise data"): if filter_col is None: noise_data[param] = np.array(noise_hdf[param]) else: noise_data[param] = noise_hdf[param][:, filter_col] return noise_data
[docs]def read_sed_data( filename, param_list=["Av", "Rv", "f_A", "M_ini", "logA", "Z", "distance"], return_params=False, ): """ Read in the beast data needed by all the pixels Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the file with the BEAST physicsmodel grid param_list : list of strings The set of parameters to extract (default: Av, Rv, f_A, M_ini, logA, Z, distance). If set to 'all', extract all parameters and model fluxes in the grid. return_params : boolean (default=False) If True, return the list of keywords for all parameters and model fluxes in the grid. Useful for checking what columns are present. Returns ------- Two possible returns depending on param_list input sed_data : dictonary (param_list input as list of strings) contains arrays of the requested SED grid parameters if return_params is True, then also provides grid_param_list : list of strings (return_params is True) if param_list is None, return the list of parameter options """ sed_data = {} # open files for reading with h5py.File(filename, "r") as sed_hdf: # get the possible list of parameters grid_param_list = list(sed_hdf["grid"][()].dtype.names) # return that if the user is so inclined if return_params: return grid_param_list + ["seds", "lamb", "filters"] if param_list == "all": param_list = grid_param_list # get parameters for param in tqdm(param_list, desc="reading sed data"): # grid parameter if param in grid_param_list: sed_data[param] = sed_hdf["grid"][param] # wavelengths of the filters -or- SED photometry values elif (param == "lamb") or (param == "seds"): sed_data[param] = sed_hdf[param][()] elif param == "filters": filtstr = sed_hdf["grid"].attrs["filters"] if isinstance(filtstr, bytes): filtstr = filtstr.decode() sed_data[param] = filtstr.split(" ") else: raise ValueError("parameter {0} not found in SED grid".format(param)) return sed_data
[docs]def get_lnp_grid_vals(sed_data, lnp_data, verbose=False): """ Acquire the SED parameter values for the locations where the lnp values were saved Parameters ---------- sed_data : dictonary or string if dictionary: contains arrays of the beast parameters (output from read_sed_data) if string: name of the file with the BEAST physicsmodel grid, which will be used in read_sed_data to get default parameters lnp_data : dictonary or string if dictionary: contains arrays of the lnp values and indices to the BEAST model grid (output from read_lnp_data) if string: name of the file with the sparse lnp values, which will be used in read_lnp_data with default parameters Returns ------- lnp_grid_vals : dictonary arrays of the SED grid parameters for the points in the lnp lists """ if isinstance(sed_data, str): sed_data = read_sed_data(sed_data) if isinstance(lnp_data, str): lnp_data = read_lnp_data(lnp_data) # get the keys in beast_data param_list = sed_data.keys() # setup the output lnp_grid_vals = {} n_lnps, n_stars = lnp_data["indxs"].shape for param in param_list: lnp_grid_vals[param] = np.zeros((n_lnps, n_stars), dtype=float) # loop over the stars and extract the requested BEAST data for k in tqdm( range(n_stars), desc="extracting params for each lnP", disable=not verbose ): lnp_inds = lnp_data["indxs"][:, k] good_inds = np.isfinite(lnp_inds) for param in param_list: lnp_grid_vals[param][good_inds, k] = sed_data[param][ lnp_inds[good_inds].astype(int) ] return lnp_grid_vals