Source code for beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.generic_noisemodel

Generates a generic noise model from artifical star tests (ASTs) results
using the toothpick method.  Using ASTs results in a noise model that 
includes contributions from measurement (photon) noise *and* crowding 

Toothpick assumes that all bands are independent - no covariance.
This is a conservative assumption.  If there is true covariance
more accurate results with smaller uncertainties on fit parameters
can be achieved using the trunchen method.  The trunchen method
requires significantly more complicated ASTs and many more of them.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
import tables

from . import toothpick

__all__ = ['Generic_ToothPick_Noisemodel','make_toothpick_noise_model',

[docs]class Generic_ToothPick_Noisemodel(toothpick.MultiFilterASTs):
[docs] def set_data_mappings(self): """ hard code mapping directly with the interface to ASTs format """ for k in self.filters: try: + '_out', k.split('_')[-1].upper() + '_VEGA') + '_rate', # k.split('_')[-1].upper() + '_RATE') + '_in', k.split('_')[-1].upper() + '_IN') except Exception as e: print(e) print('Warning: Mapping failed. This could lead to ' + 'wrong results')
[docs]def make_toothpick_noise_model(outname, astfile, sedgrid, use_rate=False, absflux_a_matrix=None, **kwargs): """ toothpick noise model assumes that every filter is independent with any other. Parameters ---------- outname: str path and filename into which save the noise model astfile: str path to the file into which are ASTs results sedgrid: SEDGrid instance sed model grid for everyone of which we will evaluate the model use_rate: boolean set to use the rate column (normalized vega flux) instead of out column (mags) absflux_a_matrix: ndarray absolute calibration a matrix giving the fractional uncertainties including correlated terms (off diagonals) returns ------- noisefile: str noisemodel file name """ # read in AST results model = Generic_ToothPick_Noisemodel(astfile, sedgrid.filters) # compute binned biases and uncertainties as a function of flux if use_rate: # change the mappings for the out column to the rate column for cfilt in sedgrid.filters: + '_out', cfilt.split('_')[-1].upper() + '_RATE') model.fit_bins(nbins=30, completeness_mag_cut=-10) else: model.fit_bins(nbins=30, completeness_mag_cut=80) #for k in range(len(model.filters)): # print(model.filters[k]) # print(model._fluxes[:,k]) # print(model._sigmas[:,k]/model._fluxes[:,k]) # print(model._biases[:,k]/model._fluxes[:,k]) # print(model._compls[:,k]) # evaluate the noise model for all the models in sedgrid bias, sigma, compl = model(sedgrid) # absolute flux calibration uncertainties # currently we are ignoring the off-diagnonal terms if absflux_a_matrix is not None: if absflux_a_matrix.ndim == 1: abs_calib_2 = absflux_a_matrix[:] ** 2 else: # assumes a cov matrix abs_calib_2 = np.diag(absflux_a_matrix) noise = np.sqrt(abs_calib_2 * sedgrid.seds[:] ** 2 + sigma ** 2) else: noise = sigma # check if the noise model has been extrapolated at the faint flux levels # if so, then set the noise to a negative value (later may be used to # trim the model of "invalid" models) # we are assuming that extrapolation at high fluxes is ok as the noise # will be very small there for k in range(len(model.filters)): indxs, = np.where(sedgrid.seds[:,k] <= model._minmax_asts[0,k]) if len(indxs) > 0: noise[indxs,k] *= -1.0 print('Writting to disk into {0:s}'.format(outname)) with tables.open_file(outname, 'w') as outfile: outfile.create_array(outfile.root,'bias', bias) outfile.create_array(outfile.root,'error', noise) outfile.create_array(outfile.root,'completeness', compl) return outname
[docs]def get_noisemodelcat(filename): """ returns the noise model Parameters ---------- filename: str file containing the outputs from OneD_ASTs_ModelGenerator Returns ------- table: pytables.Table table containing the elements of the noise model """ return tables.open_file(filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass