Source code for beast.observationmodel.phot

Photometric package

Defines a Filter class and associated functions to extract photometry.

This also include functions to keep libraries up to date

.. note::

    integrations are done using :func:`trapz`
    Why not Simpsons? Simpsons principle is to take sequence of 3 points to
    make a quadratic interpolation. Which in the end, when filters have sharp
    edges, the error due to this "interpolation" are extremely large in
    comparison to the uncertainties induced by trapeze integration.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import sys
import numpy

import tables
from scipy.integrate import trapz

from import timeit
from ..config import __ROOT__

__default__      = __ROOT__ + '/libs/filters.hd5'
__default_vega__ = __ROOT__ + '/libs/vega.hd5'

# this is used to convert from bolometric luminosities to abs fluxes
# object to 10parsecs -- abs mag.
distc = 4. * numpy.pi * (3.0856775e19) ** 2

__all__ = ['Filter', 'IntegrationFilter', 'load_all_filters', 'load_filters',
           'load_Integrationfilters', 'extractPhotometry', 'extractSEDs',
           'STmag_to_flux', 'STmag_from_flux', 'fluxToMag', 'fluxErrTomag',
           'magToFlux','magErrToFlux', 'append_filter', 'appendVegaFilter']

[docs]class Filter(object): """Class filter Define a filter by its name, wavelength and transmission """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def info(self): print(""" Filter object information: name: {} central wavelength: {} norm: {s.norm:f} pivot wavelength: {s.lpivot:f} definition contains {s.transmit.size:d} points""".format(s=self)) """ display information about the current filter"""
def __repr__(self): return "Filter: %s, %s" % (, object.__repr__(self))
[docs] def getFlux(self, slamb, sflux): """getFlux Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to consider extractSEDs. Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) associated flux Returns ------- flux: float Energy of the spectrum within the filter """ if True in numpy.isinf(sflux): indinf = numpy.where(numpy.isinf(sflux)) indfin = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(sflux)) sflux[indinf] = numpy.interp(slamb[indinf], slamb[indfin], sflux[indfin]) ifT = numpy.interp(slamb, self.wavelength, self.transmit, left=0., right=0.) if True in (ifT > 0.): ind = numpy.where(ifT > 0.) a = numpy.trapz( slamb[ind] * ifT[ind] * sflux[ind], slamb[ind] ) b = numpy.trapz( slamb[ind] * ifT[ind], slamb[ind] ) if (numpy.isinf(a) | numpy.isinf(b)): print(, "Warn for inf value") return a / b else: return 0.
[docs] def __call__(self, slamb, sflux): return self.applyTo(slamb, sflux)
[docs] def applyTo(self, slamb, sflux): """ Apply filter to a spectrum Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray associated flux Returns ------- flux: float new spectrum values accounting for the filter """ ifT = numpy.interp(slamb, self.wavelength, self.transmit) return ifT * sflux
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name=''): """Constructor""" = name self.wavelength = wavelength self.transmit = transmit self.norm = trapz(transmit, wavelength) self.lT = trapz(wavelength * transmit, wavelength) self.lpivot = numpy.sqrt( self.lT / trapz(transmit / wavelength, wavelength) ) = self.lT / self.norm
[docs]class IntegrationFilter(object): """Class filter Define an integration filter from the range of integration """
[docs] def info(self): print(""" Integration Filter object information: name: {} central wavelength: {} norm: {s.norm:f} pivot wavelength: {s.lpivot:f} definition contains {s.transmit.size:d} points""".format(s=self)) """ display information about the current filter"""
def __repr__(self): return "Filter: %s, %s" % (, object.__repr__(self))
[docs] def getFlux(self, slamb, sflux): """getFlux Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to consider extractSEDs. Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) associated flux Returns ------- flux: float Energy of the spectrum within the filter """ if True in numpy.isinf(sflux): indinf = numpy.where(numpy.isinf(sflux)) indfin = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(sflux)) sflux[indinf] = numpy.interp(slamb[indinf], slamb[indfin], sflux[indfin]) # find common wavelength interval ind = ((slamb <= self.wavelength.max()) & (slamb >= self.wavelength.min())) if True in ind: _slamb = slamb[ind] a = numpy.trapz(_slamb * sflux[ind], _slamb) b = numpy.trapz(numpy.ones(_slamb.shape, dtype=float) * _slamb, _slamb) if (numpy.isinf(a) | numpy.isinf(b)): print(, "Warn for inf value") return a / b else: return 0.
[docs] def applyTo(self, slamb, sflux): """ Apply filter to a spectrum Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray associated flux Returns ------- flux: float new spectrum values accounting for the filter """ # find common wavelength interval ind = ((slamb <= self.wavelength.max()) & (slamb >= self.wavelength.min())) r = numpy.sflux[:] r[~ind] = 0 return r
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name=''): """Constructor""" = name self.wavelength = wavelength self.transmit = transmit self.norm = trapz(transmit, wavelength) self.lT = trapz(transmit * wavelength, wavelength) self.lpivot = numpy.sqrt( self.lT / trapz(1. / wavelength, wavelength) ) = self.lT / self.norm
def __load__(fname, ftab, interp=True, lamb=None, integrationFilter=False): """ Load a given filter from the library Parameters ---------- fname: str normalized names according to filtersLib ftab: hd5root root from the filter library hd5 file interp: bool, optional reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter integrationFilter: bool, optional set True for specail integraion filter such as Qion or E_uv if set, lamb should be given Returns ------- filter: Filter instance filter object """ if integrationFilter: ifT = numpy.interp(lamb, fname.wavelength, fname.transmit, left=0., right=0.) return IntegrationFilter(lamb, ifT, name=fname) else: fnode = ftab.get_node('/filters/' + fname) flamb = fnode[:]['WAVELENGTH'] transmit = fnode[:]['THROUGHPUT'] if interp & (lamb is not None): ifT = numpy.interp(lamb, flamb, transmit, left=0., right=0.) return Filter( lamb, ifT, ) else: return Filter( flamb, transmit, )
[docs]def load_all_filters(interp=True, lamb=None, filterLib=None): """ load all filters from the library Parameters ---------- interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter filterLib: str path to the filter library hd5 file Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ if filterLib is None: filterLib = __default__ with tables.open_file(filterLib, 'r') as ftab: filters = [ __load__(fname, ftab, interp=interp, lamb=lamb) for fname in ftab.root.content.cols.TABLENAME ] return(filters)
[docs]def load_filters(names, interp=True, lamb=None, filterLib=None): """ load a limited set of filters Parameters ---------- names: list[str] normalized names according to filtersLib interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter filterLib: path path to the filter library hd5 file Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ if filterLib is None: filterLib = __default__ with tables.open_file(filterLib, 'r') as ftab: filters = [ __load__(fname, ftab, interp=interp, lamb=lamb) for fname in names ] return(filters)
[docs]def load_Integrationfilters(flist, interp=True, lamb=None): """ load a limited set of filters Parameters ---------- flist: sequence(filter) list of filter object instances interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ filters = [ __load__(fname, ftab=None, interp=interp, lamb=lamb, integrationFilter=True) for fname in flist ] return(filters)
[docs]def extractPhotometry(lamb, spec, flist, absFlux=True): """Extract seds from a one single spectrum Parameters ---------- lamb: ndarray[float,ndim=1] wavelength of spec spec: ndarray[float, ndim=1] spectrum flist: list[filter] list of filter objects absflux: bool return SEDs in absolute fluxes if set Returns ------- cls: ndarray[float, ndim=1] filters central wavelength seds: ndarray[float, ndim=1] integrated sed """ cls = numpy.empty( len(flist), dtype=float) seds = numpy.empty( len(flist), dtype=float) for e, k in enumerate(flist): xl = k.transmit > 0. tmp = lamb[xl] * k.transmit[xl] s0 = spec[:, xl] # apply absolute flux conversion if requested if absFlux: s0 /= distc a = trapz( tmp[None, :] * s0, lamb[xl], axis=1 ) seds[e] = a / k.lT # divide by integral (lambda T dlambda) cls[e] = return cls, seds
[docs]def extractSEDs(g0, flist, absFlux=True): """ Extract seds from a grid Parameters ---------- g0: ModelGrid instance initial spectral grid flist: sequence(filter) list of filter object instances absflux: bool return SEDs in absolute fluxes if set Returns ------- cls: ndarray[float, ndim=1] filters central wavelength seds: ndarray[float, ndim=1] integrated sed grid: Table SED grid properties table from g0 (g0.grid) """ lamb = g0.lamb seds = numpy.empty(( len(g0.grid), len(flist) ), dtype=float) cls = numpy.empty( len(flist), dtype=float) for e, k in enumerate(flist): xl = k.transmit > 0. tmp = lamb[xl] * k.transmit[xl] s0 = g0.seds[:, xl] # apply absolute flux conversion if requested if absFlux: s0 /= distc a = trapz( tmp[None, :] * s0, lamb[xl], axis=1 ) seds[:, e] = a / k.lT cls[e] = #memgrid = grid.MemoryGrid(cls, seds, g0.grid) #return memgrid return cls, seds, g0.grid
[docs]def STmag_to_flux( v ): """ Convert an ST magnitude to erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda) mag = -2.5 \log_{10}(F) - 21.10 M0 = 21.10 F0 = 3.6307805477010028 10^{-9} erg/s/cm2/AA Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] or float array of magnitudes Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of fluxes """ v0 = 21.1 return 10. ** ( -0.4 * (v - v0) )
[docs]def STmag_from_flux( v ): """ Convert to ST magnitude from erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda) mag = -2.5 \log_{10}(F) - 21.10 M0 = 21.10 F0 = 3.6307805477010028 10^{-9} erg/s/cm2/AA Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of fluxes Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of magnitudes """ v0 = 21.1 return -2.5 * numpy.log10( v ) - v0
[docs]def fluxToMag(flux): """ Return the magnitudes from flux values Parameters ---------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of fluxes Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of magnitudes """ return -2.5 * numpy.log10(flux)
[docs]def fluxErrTomag(flux, fluxerr): """ Return the magnitudes and associated errors from fluxes and flux error values Parameters ---------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of fluxes fluxerr: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of flux errors Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitudes err: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitude errors """ mag = fluxToMag(flux) return mag, -2.5 * numpy.log10( 1. - fluxerr / flux )
[docs]def magToFlux(mag): """ Return the flux from magnitude values Parameters ---------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of magnitudes Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of fluxes """ return 10 ** (-0.4 * mag)
[docs]def magErrToFlux(mag, err): """ Return the flux and associated errors from magnitude and mag error values Parameters ---------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitudes err: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitude errors Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of fluxes fluxerr: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of flux errors """ flux = magToFlux(mag) return flux, flux * ( 1. - magToFlux(err) )
class __newFilterTable__(tables.IsDescription): """ define table to store filter dataset """ WAVELENGTH = tables.FloatCol(pos=0) THROUGHPUT = tables.FloatCol(pos=1)
[docs]def append_filter(lamb, flux, tablename, observatory, instrument, name, comment=None, filterLib=__default__, updateVegaLib=True): """ Edit the filter catalog and append a new one given by its transfer function Parameters ---------- lamb: ndarray(dtype=float) wavelength of the filter definition flux: ndarray(dtype=float) transimission of the filter tablename: str table name in the library observatory: str observatory of the filter (Ground, HST, Spitzer, ...) instrument: str instrument associated with the filter name: str name of the filter comment: str, optional optinal comment to keep with the filter filterLib: str, optional filter library file to use updateVegaLib: bool if set calls the update function to the vega library """ ftab = tables.open_file(filterLib, 'a') contentTab = ftab.get_node('/content') if contentTab.read_where('TABLENAME == "{0}"'.format(tablename)).size > 0: print('% {0}: Filter {1} already exists. Returning'.format(sys.argv[0], tablename)) return # Gen Filter object including relevant details filtInst = list(filter(lamb, flux, name=name)) # Add a new line in the content table newRow = contentTab.row newRow['TABLENAME'] = tablename newRow['OBSERVATORY'] = observatory newRow['INSTRUMENT'] = instrument newRow['NAME'] = newRow['NORM'] = filtInst.norm newRow['CWAVE'] = newRow['PWAVE'] = filtInst.lpivot if comment is not None: newRow['COMMENT'] = comment newRow.append() contentTab.flush() # Create Table newTab = ftab.create_table('/filters', tablename, __newFilterTable__,, expectedrows=filtInst.wavelength.size) newRow = newTab.row for i in range(filtInst.wavelength.size): newRow["WAVELENGTH"] = filtInst.wavelength[i] newRow["THROUGHPUT"] = filtInst.transmit[i] newRow.append() newTab.flush() ftab.flush() ftab.close() print('% {0}: Filter {1} added to {2}'.format(sys.argv[0], name, filterLib)) if updateVegaLib: appendVegaFilter(filtInst)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VEGA SPECTRUM and VEGA ZEROPOINTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __analyseVegaSpectrum__(w, f, filters): """ Returns property information from the application of a given set of filters Parameters ---------- w: ndarray(dtype=float) wavelength definition of the spectrum f: ndarray(dtype=float) flux definition of the spectrum Returns ------- props: dict properties to store with the filter that includes flux, magnitude values. """ nFilters = len(filters) phot = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) cwave = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) fname = [] mag = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) for j in range(0, nFilters): fname.append(filters[j].name) cwave[j] = filters[j].cl phot[j] = filters[j].getFlux( w, f ) mag[j] = -2.5 * numpy.log10(phot[j]) return ({ 'fname': fname, 'cwave': cwave, 'lum': phot, 'mag': mag})
[docs]def appendVegaFilter(filtInst, VegaLib=__default_vega__): """ Add filter properties to the Vega library Parameters ---------- filtInst: Filter instance filter instance to get properties from and store information with Vega. VegaLib: str Vega Library """ # import tables vtab = tables.open_file(VegaLib, 'a') vl = vtab.root.spectrum[:]['WAVELENGTH'] vf = vtab.root.spectrum[:]['FLUX'] sedTab = vtab.get_node('/sed') if sedTab.read_where('FNAME == "{0}"'.format( > 0: print('% {0}: Filter {1} already exists. Returning'.format(sys.argv[0], return data = __analyseVegaSpectrum__(vl, vf, [filtInst]) newRow = sedTab.row newRow['FNAME'] = newRow['CWAVE'] = newRow['LUM'] = data['lum'][0] newRow['MAG'] = data['mag'][0] newRow.append() sedTab.flush() vtab.close() print('% {0}: Filter {1} added to {2}'.format(sys.argv[0],, VegaLib))
def xxtest(absFlux=True): """ Test units """ gridfile = 'libs/stellib_kurucz2004_padovaiso.spectralgrid.fits' filter_names = 'hst_wfc3_f275w hst_wfc3_f336w hst_acs_wfc_f475w hst_acs_wfc_f814w hst_wfc3_f110w hst_wfc3_f160w'.upper().split() from . import grid #Load the initial model grid with timeit('Loading Grid, %s' % gridfile): g0 = grid.FileSpectralGrid(gridfile) lamb = g0.lamb # Load the filters with timeit('Loading Filters (with interpolation)'): flist = load_filters(filter_names, interp=True, lamb=lamb) with timeit('SED integrations over %d ' % g0.grid.nrows): return extractSEDs(g0, flist, absFlux=absFlux)