Installation ============ Requirements ------------ Running the BEAST requires: - Python 2.7 or >=3.4 - Astropy 1.3 In turn, Astropy depends on `other packages `_ for optional features. From these you will need: - `hdf5 `_ to read/write `Table` objects from/to HDF5 files. You will also need: - `PyTables `_ to manage large amounts of data. One easy way to obtain the above is through the AstroConda Python stack: - First install `Miniconda `_ which contains the conda package manager. Once Miniconda is installed, you can use the `conda` command to install any other packages and create environments, etc. - Setup the AstroConda Channel: ``$ conda config --add channels`` - Install AstroConda with Python 3 (recommended): ``$conda create -n astroconda stsci`` - Install AstroConda with Python 2.7 (still possible): ``$ conda create -n iraf27 python=2.7 stsci pyraf iraf`` - Make sure that the ``PyTables`` and ``hdf5`` packages are installed: ``$ conda install -n astroconda (or iraf27) pytables`` ``$ conda install -n astroconda (or iraf27) hdf5`` Installing the BEAST -------------------- For the BEAST to work properly, you need to place a 'libs' directory containing files related to filters, photometry, stellar atmospheres, and in the future, stellar evolution models. See **Obtaining BEAST libraries** below. Option 1 ________ The following is the recommended option which will allow you to easily keep up with code updates. If additionally you would like to contribute to code enhancements, see Option 3 below. Places BEAST on your local computer as a clone of the `BEAST GitHub repository `_. To do this, go to the directory where you want to place the BEAST and type the following: ``$ git clone`` This will create a directory named 'beast' containing the BEAST. Option 2 ________ This option places BEAST in its current version on your local computer. One disadvantage is that you will have to manually obtain BEAST updates from the GitHub repository if you use this option. On the `BEAST GitHub homepage `_ click on the 'Clone or Download' button, then select 'Download ZIP'. Unzip the file in the desired directory. Option 3 ________ This option is suitable if you *plan to make code contributions* to the BEAST. See the :ref:'beast_development' for details. Obtaining BEAST Library Files ----------------------------- For the BEAST to work properly, you need to place a 'libs' directory containing files related to filters, photometry, stellar atmospheres, and in the future stellar evolution models in the 'beast/beast' directory. Follow this link to download the 'libs' files. Confirming Proper Installation and Running Sample Code ------------------------------------------------------ There is a small sample script named '' located in 'beast/beast/examples/phat_small' as a quick check to confirm that BEAST installation is working. In 'beast/beast/examples/phat_small', place a soft link named 'beast' pointing two levels up: ``$ cd beast/beast/examples/phat_small`` ``$ ln -s ../../ beast`` If you installed Python through AstroConda, first activate the correct AstroConda environment: ``$ source activate astroconda`` Verify that the current default Python is version 3: ``$ python --version`` Now try a sample BEAST run: ``$ ./`` or ``$ python`` Optionally, you can run BEAST with one, or a combination, of these arguments -h, --help show this help message and exit -p, --physicsmodel Generate the model grid -o, --observationmodel Calculate the noise model -t, --trim Trim the model and noise grids -f, --fit Fit the observed data -r, --resume Resume a run For example: ``$ ./ -h`` or ``$ ./ -potf`` If the BEAST is running correctly the second command should run without errors and should have written the output files into 'beast_example_phat/'. The result can be plotted using ``$ python beast/plotting/ beast_example_phat/beast_example_phat`` The argument for this script is the prefix of the output files. The output should look like this: .. image:: beast_example_phat_ifit_starnum_0.png