Observation Model


beast.observationmodel.observations Module

Defines a generic interface to observation catalog This enables to handle non detections, (upper limits one day?), flux and magnitude conversions to avoid painful preparation of the dataset

Data model v2 with limited quantity units handling


Observations(inputFile[, desc]) A generic class that interfaces observation catalog in a standardized way
FakeObs(inputFile[, desc]) Generate a data interface object
PhotCharact(fname, filters)

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.observations.Observations, beast.observationmodel.observations.FakeObs, beast.observationmodel.observations.PhotCharact

beast.observationmodel.phot Module

Photometric package

Defines a Filter class and associated functions to extract photometry.

This also include functions to keep libraries up to date


integrations are done using trapz() Why not Simpsons? Simpsons principle is to take sequence of 3 points to make a quadratic interpolation. Which in the end, when filters have sharp edges, the error due to this “interpolation” are extremely large in comparison to the uncertainties induced by trapeze integration.


load_all_filters([interp, lamb, filterLib]) load all filters from the library
load_filters(names[, interp, lamb, filterLib]) load a limited set of filters
load_Integrationfilters(flist[, interp, lamb]) load a limited set of filters
extractPhotometry(lamb, spec, flist[, absFlux]) Extract seds from a one single spectrum
extractSEDs(g0, flist[, absFlux]) Extract seds from a grid
STmag_to_flux(v) Convert an ST magnitude to erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda)
STmag_from_flux(v) Convert to ST magnitude from erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda)
fluxToMag(flux) Return the magnitudes from flux values
fluxErrTomag(flux, fluxerr) Return the magnitudes and associated errors from fluxes and flux error values
magToFlux(mag) Return the flux from magnitude values
magErrToFlux(mag, err) Return the flux and associated errors from magnitude and mag error values
append_filter(lamb, flux, tablename, …[, …]) Edit the filter catalog and append a new one given by its transfer function
appendVegaFilter(filtInst[, VegaLib]) Add filter properties to the Vega library


Filter(wavelength, transmit[, name]) Class filter Define a filter by its name, wavelength and transmission
IntegrationFilter(wavelength, transmit[, name]) Class filter

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.phot.Filter, beast.observationmodel.phot.IntegrationFilter

beast.observationmodel.vega Module

Handle vega spec/mags/fluxes manipulations


from_Vegamag_to_Flux(lamb, vega_mag) function decorator that transforms vega magnitudes to fluxes (without vega reference)


Vega([source]) Class that handles vega spectrum and references.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.vega.Vega

Noise Model

beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.noisemodel Module


NoiseModel(astfile, *args, **kwargs) Initial class of noise models

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.noisemodel.NoiseModel

beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.toothpick Module

Toothpick noise model assumes that every photometric band is independent from the others.

The following package implements two classes that corresponds to two variants of input AST data.

the first MultiFilterASTs assumes that all AST information is compiled into on single table, in which one entry corresponds to one artificial star and recovered values

the second perCameraASTs assumes that the information is split into multiple tables, and implements the equivalent of multiple instances of MultiFilterASTs in parallel to calculate the model.


The noise model is computed in equally spaced bins in log flux space to avoid injecting noise when the ASTs grossly oversample the model space. This is the case for single band ASTs - this is always the case for the BEAST toothpick noise model.

+++ perCameraASTs has not been updated - delete? Does not work with PHAT single camera ASTs - column names duplicated


MultiFilterASTs(astfile, filters, *args, …) Implement a noise model for which input information of ASTs are provided as one single table

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.toothpick.MultiFilterASTs

beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.trunchen Module

Trunchen version of noisemodel Goal is to compute the full 6-band covariance matrix for each model


MultiFilterASTs(astfile, filters, *args, …) Implement a noise model where the ASTs are provided as a single table

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.trunchen.MultiFilterASTs

beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.generic_noisemodel Module

Generates a generic noise model from artifical star tests (ASTs) results using the toothpick method. Using ASTs results in a noise model that includes contributions from measurement (photon) noise and crowding noise.

Toothpick assumes that all bands are independent - no covariance. This is a conservative assumption. If there is true covariance more accurate results with smaller uncertainties on fit parameters can be achieved using the trunchen method. The trunchen method requires significantly more complicated ASTs and many more of them.


make_toothpick_noise_model(outname, astfile, …) toothpick noise model assumes that every filter is independent with any other.
get_noisemodelcat(filename) returns the noise model


Generic_ToothPick_Noisemodel(astfile, …)

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of beast.observationmodel.noisemodel.generic_noisemodel.Generic_ToothPick_Noisemodel