Source code for beast.fitting.trim_grid

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
import tables

from ..physicsmodel.grid import SpectralGrid
from ..external.eztables import Table

__all__ = ['trim_models']

[docs]def trim_models(sedgrid, sedgrid_noisemodel, obsdata, sed_outname, noisemodel_outname, sigma_fac=3., n_detected=4, inFlux=True, trunchen=False): """ For a given set of observations, there will be models that are so bright or faint that they will always have ~0 probability of fitting the data. This program trims those models out of the SED grid so that time is not spent calculating model points that are always zero probability. Parameters ---------- sedgrid: grid.SEDgrid instance model grid sedgrid_noisemodel: beast noisemodel instance noise model data obsdata: Observation object instance observation catalog sed_outname: str name for output sed file noisemodel_outname: str name for output noisemodel file sigma_fac: float factor for trimming the upper and lower range of grid so that the model range cuts off sigma_fac above and below the brightest and faintest models, respectively (default: 3.) n_detected: int minimum number of bands where ASTs yielded a detection for a given model, if fewer detections than n_detected this model gets eliminated (default: 4) inFlux: boolean if true data are in fluxes (default: True) trunchen: boolean if true use the trunchen noise model (default: False) """ # Store the brigtest and faintest fluxes in each band (for data and asts) n_filters = len(obsdata.filters) min_data = np.zeros(n_filters) max_data = np.zeros(n_filters) min_models = np.zeros(n_filters) max_models = np.zeros(n_filters) for k, filtername in enumerate(obsdata.filters): sfiltname = if inFlux: min_data[k] = np.amin([sfiltname] * obsdata.vega_flux[k]) max_data[k] = np.amax([sfiltname] * obsdata.vega_flux[k]) else: min_data[k] = np.amin(10**(-0.4*[sfiltname]) * obsdata.vega_flux[k]) max_data[k] = np.amax(10**(-0.4*[sfiltname]) * obsdata.vega_flux[k]) min_models[k] = np.amin(sedgrid.seds[:, k]) max_models[k] = np.amax(sedgrid.seds[:, k]) # first remove all models that have any band with fluxes below the # faintest ASTs run # when the noisemodel was computed, models with fluxes below the # faintest ASTs were tagged with a negative error/uncertainty # identify the models that have been detected in enough bands # the idea here is that if the ASTs are not measured that means # that *none* were recovered and this implies # that no model with these values would be recovered and thus the # probability should always be zero model_unc = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.error[:] above_ast = (model_unc > 0) sum_above_ast = np.sum(above_ast, axis=1) indxs, = np.where(sum_above_ast >= n_detected) # cache the noisemodel values model_bias = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.bias[:] model_unc = np.fabs(sedgrid_noisemodel.root.error[:]) model_compl = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.completeness[:] if trunchen: model_q_norm = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.q_norm[:] model_icov_diag = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.icov_diag[:] model_icov_offdiag = sedgrid_noisemodel.root.icov_offdiag[:] if len(indxs) <= 0: print('no models are brighter than the minimum ASTs run') exit() n_ast_indxs = len(indxs) # Find models with fluxes (with margin) between faintest and brightest data for k in range(n_filters): print('working on filter # = ', k) # Get upper and lower values for the models given the noise model # sigma_fac defaults to 3. model_val = sedgrid.seds[indxs, k] + model_bias[indxs, k] model_down = model_val - sigma_fac*model_unc[indxs, k] model_up = model_val + sigma_fac*model_unc[indxs, k] nindxs, = np.where((model_up >= min_data[k]) & (model_down <= max_data[k])) if len(nindxs) > 0: indxs = indxs[nindxs] if len(indxs) == 0: print('no models that are within the data range') exit() print('number of original models = ', len(sedgrid.seds[:, 0])) print('number of ast trimmed models = ', n_ast_indxs) print(' number of trimmed models = ', len(indxs)) # Save the grid print('Writing trimmed sedgrid to disk into {0:s}'.format(sed_outname)) cols = {} for key in list(sedgrid.grid.keys()): cols[key] = sedgrid.grid[key][indxs] # New column to save the index of the model in the full grid cols['fullgrid_idx'] = indxs.astype(int) g = SpectralGrid(sedgrid.lamb, seds=sedgrid.seds[indxs], grid=Table(cols), backend='memory') filternames = obsdata.filters g.grid.header['filters'] = ' '.join(filternames) # trimmed grid name g.writeHDF(sed_outname) # save the trimmed noise model print('Writing trimmed noisemodel to disk into {0:s}'. format(noisemodel_outname)) with tables.open_file(noisemodel_outname, 'w') as outfile: outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'bias', model_bias[indxs]) outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'error', model_unc[indxs]) outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'completeness', model_compl[indxs]) if trunchen: outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'q_norm', model_q_norm[indxs]) outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'icov_diag', model_icov_diag[indxs]) outfile.create_array(outfile.root, 'icov_offdiag', model_icov_offdiag[indxs])