
class beast.physicsmodel.grid.SpectralGrid(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: beast.physicsmodel.grid.ModelGrid

Generate a grid that contains spectra. It provides an access to integrated photometry function getSEDs

*args and **kwargs are directly forwarded to the backend constructor
lamb: ndarray or str or GridBackend

if ndarray: wavelength of the SEDs (requires seds and grid arguments) if str: filename to the grid if backend: ref to the given grid

seds: ndarray[dtype=float, ndim=2]

array of seds

grid: eztable.Table

table of properties associated to each sed

header: dict

if provided, update the grid table header

aliases: dict

if provided, update the grid table aliases

backend: str or GridBackend class or subclass

corresponding backend class

‘memory’: MemoryBackend, ‘cache’: CacheBackend, ‘hdf’: HDFBackend, ‘generic’: GridBackend

Methods Summary

applyExtinctionLaw(self, extLaw[, inplace]) Apply an extinction law to the model grid
getSEDs(self, filter_names[, absFlux, …]) Extract integrated fluxes through filters

Methods Documentation

applyExtinctionLaw(self, extLaw, inplace=False, **kwargs)[source]

Apply an extinction law to the model grid

extLaw: extinction.ExtinctionLaw

apply extinction law if provided

inplace: bool

if set, do not copy the grid and apply on it


extra keywords will be forwrded to extLaw

g: ModelGrid instance or None

if not inplace, returns a new ModelGrid instance. Otherwise returns nothing

getSEDs(self, filter_names, absFlux=True, extLaw=None, inplace=False, filterLib=None, **kwargs)[source]

Extract integrated fluxes through filters

filter_names: list

list of filter names according to the filter lib or filter instances (no mixing between name and instances)


returns absolute fluxes if set

extLaw: extinction.ExtinctionLaw

apply extinction law if provided


if set, do not copy the grid and apply extinction on it

filterLib: str

full filename to the filter library hd5 file

**kwargs extra keywords will be forwrded to extLaw
memgrid: MemoryGrid instance

grid of SEDs