
class beast.physicsmodel.stars.stellib.Stellib(*args, **kargs)[source]

Bases: object

Basic stellar library class


Attributes Summary

nbytes return the number of bytes of the object

Methods Summary

genQ(self, qname, r, \*\*kwargs) Generate a composite value from a previously calculated
genSpectrum(self, T0[, g0, Z0, weights]) Generate a composite sprectrum Does the interpolation or uses a previously calculated interpolation Works on 1 desired star or a population of stars
gen_spectral_grid_from_given_points(self, pts) Reinterpolate a given stellar spectral library on to an Isochrone grid
get_boundaries(self[, dlogT, dlogg]) Returns the closed boundary polygon around the stellar library with given margins
get_radius(self, logl, logt) Returns the radius of a star given its luminosity and temperature
interp(self, T0, g0, Z0, L0[, dT_max, eps]) Interpolation of the T,g grid
interpMany(self, T0, g0, Z0, L0[, dT_max, …]) run interp on a list of inputs and returns reduced results
plot_boundary(self[, ax, dlogT, dlogg])
points_inside(self, xypoints[, dlogT, dlogg]) Returns if a point is inside the polygon defined by the boundary of the library

Attributes Documentation


return the number of bytes of the object

Methods Documentation

genQ(self, qname, r, **kwargs)[source]
Generate a composite value from a previously calculated
interpolation Works on 1 desired star or a population of stars
qname: str

quantity name from self.grid

r: ndarray

the result from a previous interpolation

val: ndarray

an array containing the value

genSpectrum(self, T0, g0=None, Z0=None, weights=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a composite sprectrum Does the interpolation or uses a previously calculated interpolation Works on 1 desired star or a population of stars

if T0 and g0 are iterable, it calls interpMany

T0: float or sequence

log(Teff) of each star or a 2d-array containing the result from a previous interpolation

g0: float or sequence

log(g) of each stars

Z0: float or sequence


weights: float or sequence

individual weights of each star

**kwargs: forwarded to interpMany
s: ndarray

an array containing the composite spectrum

gen_spectral_grid_from_given_points(self, pts, bounds={'dlogT': 0.1, 'dlogg': 0.3})[source]

Reinterpolate a given stellar spectral library on to an Isochrone grid

pts: dict like structure of points

dictionary like or named data structure of points to interpolate at pts must contain: logg surface gravity in log-scale logT log of effective temperatures (in Kelvins) logL log of luminosity in Lsun units Z metallicity

bounds: dict

sensitivity to extrapolation (see grid.get_stellib_boundaries) default: {dlogT:0.1, dlogg:0.3}

g: SpectralGrid

Spectral grid (in memory) containing the requested list of stars and associated spectra

get_boundaries(self, dlogT=0.1, dlogg=0.3, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the closed boundary polygon around the stellar library with given margins

s: Stellib

Stellar library object

dlogT: float

margin in logT

dlogg: float

margin in logg

b: ndarray[float, ndim=2]

closed boundary edge points: [logT, logg]


as computing the boundary could take time, it is saved in the object and only recomputed when parameters are updated

get_radius(self, logl, logt)[source]

Returns the radius of a star given its luminosity and temperature

Assuming a black body, it comes:
R ^ 2 = L / ( 4 pi sigma T ^ 4 ),
L, luminosity in W, pi, 3.141592… sig, Stephan constant in W * m**-2 * K**-4 T, temperature in K
logl: ndarray[float, ndim=1]

log luminosities from the isochrones, in Lsun

logt: ndarray[float, ndim=1]

log temperatures from the isochrones, in K

radii: ndarray[float, ndim=1]

array of radii in m (SI units)

interp(self, T0, g0, Z0, L0, dT_max=0.1, eps=1e-06)[source]

Interpolation of the T,g grid

Interpolate on the grid and returns star indices and associated weights, and Z. 3 to 12 stars are returned. It calls _interp_, but reduce the output to the relevant stars.

T0 double

log(Teff) to obtain

g0 double

log(g) to obtain

T double

log(Teff) of the grid

g double

log(g) of the grid

dT_max: float

If, T2 (resp. T1) is too far from T compared to T1 (resp. T2), i2 (resp. i1) is not used. (see below for namings)

eps: foat

temperature sensitivity under which points are considered to have the same temperature

Returns 3 to 12 star indexes and associated weights
see __interp__
TODO: compute new weights accounting for Z
interpMany(self, T0, g0, Z0, L0, dT_max=0.1, eps=1e-06, weights=None, pool=None, nthreads=1)[source]

run interp on a list of inputs and returns reduced results

Interpolation of the T,g grid at Z0 metallicity

Interpolate on the grid and returns star indices and associated weights, and Z. 3 to 12 stars are returned. It calls _interp_, but reduce the output to the relevant stars.

T0 ndarray(float)

log(Teff) to obtain

g0 ndarray(float)

log(g) to obtain

Z0 ndarray(float)

metallicity values

L0 ndarray(float)

luminosity values

dT_max: float

If, T2 (resp. T1) is too far from T compared to T1 (resp. T2), i2 (resp. i1) is not used. (see below for namings)

eps: float

temperature sensitivity under which points are considered to have the same temperature

weights: ndarray(float)

luminosity weigths to apply after interpolation

pool: Pool-like object

specify a multiprocessing pool for parallel processing

nthreads: int

number of processes to use by default

r: ndarray

Returns 3 to 12 star indexes and associated weights

see __interp__
TODO: compute new weights accounting for Z
plot_boundary(self, ax=None, dlogT=0.0, dlogg=0.0, **kwargs)[source]
dlogT: float

margin in logT (see get_boundaries)

dlogg: float

margin in logg (see get_boundaries)

agg_filter: unknown
alpha: float or None
animated: [True | False]
antialiased or aa: [True | False] or None for default
axes: an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance
clip_box: a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` instance
clip_on: [True | False]
clip_path: [ (:class:`~matplotlib.path.Path`, :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`) | :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` | None ]
color: matplotlib color spec
contains: a callable function
edgecolor or ec: mpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color
facecolor or fc: mpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color
figure: a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance
fill: [True | False]
gid: an id string
hatch: [ ‘/’ | ‘’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’ ]
label: string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion.
linestyle or ls: [‘solid’ | ‘dashed’ | ‘dashdot’ | ‘dotted’]
linewidth or lw: float or None for default
lod: [True | False]
path_effects: unknown
picker: [None|float|boolean|callable]
rasterized: [True | False | None]
snap: unknown
transform: :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance
url: a url string
visible: [True | False]
zorder: any number
.. seealso::

For additional kwargs

points_inside(self, xypoints, dlogT=0.1, dlogg=0.3)[source]

Returns if a point is inside the polygon defined by the boundary of the library

xypoints: sequence

a sequence of N logg, logT pairs.

dlogT: float

margin in logT

dlogg: float

margin in logg

r: ndarray(dtype=bool)

a boolean ndarray, True for points inside the polygon. A point on the boundary may be treated as inside or outside.