Source code for beast.observationmodel.phot

Photometric package

Defines a Filter class and associated functions to extract photometry.

This also include functions to keep libraries up to date

.. note::

    integrations are done using :func:`trapz`
    Why not Simpsons? Simpsons principle is to take sequence of 3 points to
    make a quadratic interpolation. Which in the end, when filters have sharp
    edges, the error due to this "interpolation" are extremely large in
    comparison to the uncertainties induced by trapeze integration.

import sys
import numpy

import tables

from beast.config import __ROOT__

__default__ = __ROOT__ + "/filters.hd5"
__default_vega__ = __ROOT__ + "/vega.hd5"

# this is used to convert from bolometric luminosities to abs fluxes
# object to 10parsecs -- abs mag.
distc = 4.0 * numpy.pi * (3.0856775e19) ** 2

__all__ = [

[docs] class Filter(object): """Class filter Define a filter by its name, wavelength and transmission """
[docs] def info(self): print( """ Filter object information: name: {} central wavelength: {} norm: {s.norm:f} pivot wavelength: {s.lpivot:f} definition contains {s.transmit.size:d} points""".format( s=self ) ) """ display information about the current filter"""
def __repr__(self): return "Filter: %s, %s" % (, object.__repr__(self))
[docs] def getFlux(self, slamb, sflux): """getFlux Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to consider extractSEDs. Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) associated flux Returns ------- flux: float Energy of the spectrum within the filter """ if True in numpy.isinf(sflux): indinf = numpy.where(numpy.isinf(sflux)) indfin = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(sflux)) sflux[indinf] = numpy.interp(slamb[indinf], slamb[indfin], sflux[indfin]) ifT = numpy.interp(slamb, self.wavelength, self.transmit, left=0.0, right=0.0) if True in (ifT > 0.0): ind = numpy.where(ifT > 0.0) a = numpy.trapz(slamb[ind] * ifT[ind] * sflux[ind], slamb[ind]) b = numpy.trapz(slamb[ind] * ifT[ind], slamb[ind]) if numpy.isinf(a) | numpy.isinf(b): print(, "Warn for inf value") return a / b else: return 0.0
[docs] def __call__(self, slamb, sflux): return self.applyTo(slamb, sflux)
[docs] def applyTo(self, slamb, sflux): """ Apply filter to a spectrum Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray associated flux Returns ------- flux: float new spectrum values accounting for the filter """ ifT = numpy.interp(slamb, self.wavelength, self.transmit) return ifT * sflux
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name=""): """Constructor""" = name self.wavelength = wavelength self.transmit = transmit self.norm = numpy.trapz(transmit, wavelength) self.lT = numpy.trapz(wavelength * transmit, wavelength) self.lpivot = numpy.sqrt( self.lT / numpy.trapz(transmit / wavelength, wavelength) ) = self.lT / self.norm
[docs] class IntegrationFilter(object): """Class filter Define an integration filter from the range of integration """
[docs] def info(self): print( """ Integration Filter object information: name: {} central wavelength: {} norm: {s.norm:f} pivot wavelength: {s.lpivot:f} definition contains {s.transmit.size:d} points""".format( s=self ) ) """ display information about the current filter"""
def __repr__(self): return "Filter: %s, %s" % (, object.__repr__(self))
[docs] def getFlux(self, slamb, sflux): """getFlux Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to consider extractSEDs. Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) associated flux Returns ------- flux: float Energy of the spectrum within the filter """ if True in numpy.isinf(sflux): indinf = numpy.where(numpy.isinf(sflux)) indfin = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(sflux)) sflux[indinf] = numpy.interp(slamb[indinf], slamb[indfin], sflux[indfin]) # find common wavelength interval ind = (slamb <= self.wavelength.max()) & (slamb >= self.wavelength.min()) if True in ind: _slamb = slamb[ind] a = numpy.trapz(_slamb * sflux[ind], _slamb) b = numpy.trapz(numpy.ones(_slamb.shape, dtype=float) * _slamb, _slamb) if numpy.isinf(a) | numpy.isinf(b): print(, "Warn for inf value") return a / b else: return 0.0
[docs] def applyTo(self, slamb, sflux): """ Apply filter to a spectrum Parameters ---------- slamb: ndarray spectrum wavelength definition domain sflux: ndarray associated flux Returns ------- flux: float new spectrum values accounting for the filter """ # find common wavelength interval ind = (slamb <= self.wavelength.max()) & (slamb >= self.wavelength.min()) r = numpy.sflux[:] r[~ind] = 0 return r
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name=""): """Constructor""" = name self.wavelength = wavelength self.transmit = transmit self.norm = numpy.trapz(transmit, wavelength) self.lT = numpy.trapz(transmit * wavelength, wavelength) self.lpivot = numpy.sqrt(self.lT / numpy.trapz(1.0 / wavelength, wavelength)) = self.lT / self.norm
def __load__(fname, ftab, interp=True, lamb=None, integrationFilter=False): """Load a given filter from the library Parameters ---------- fname: str normalized names according to filtersLib ftab: hd5root root from the filter library hd5 file interp: bool, optional reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter integrationFilter: bool, optional set True for specail integraion filter such as Qion or E_uv if set, lamb should be given Returns ------- filter: Filter instance filter object """ if integrationFilter: ifT = numpy.interp(lamb, fname.wavelength, fname.transmit, left=0.0, right=0.0) return IntegrationFilter(lamb, ifT, name=fname) else: fnode = ftab.get_node("/filters/" + fname) flamb = fnode[:]["WAVELENGTH"] transmit = fnode[:]["THROUGHPUT"] if interp & (lamb is not None): ifT = numpy.interp(lamb, flamb, transmit, left=0.0, right=0.0) return Filter(lamb, ifT, else: return Filter(flamb, transmit,
[docs] def load_all_filters(interp=True, lamb=None, filterLib=None): """load all filters from the library Parameters ---------- interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter filterLib: str path to the filter library hd5 file Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ if filterLib is None: filterLib = __default__ with tables.open_file(filterLib, "r") as ftab: filters = [ __load__(fname, ftab, interp=interp, lamb=lamb) for fname in ftab.root.content.cols.TABLENAME ] return filters
[docs] def load_filters(names, interp=True, lamb=None, filterLib=None): """load a limited set of filters Parameters ---------- names: list[str] normalized names according to filtersLib interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter filterLib: path path to the filter library hd5 file Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ if filterLib is None: filterLib = __default__ with tables.open_file(filterLib, "r") as ftab: filters = [__load__(fname, ftab, interp=interp, lamb=lamb) for fname in names] return filters
[docs] def load_Integrationfilters(flist, interp=True, lamb=None): """load a limited set of filters Parameters ---------- flist: sequence(filter) list of filter object instances interp: bool reinterpolate the filters over given lambda points lamb: ndarray[float, ndim=1] desired wavelength definition of the filter Returns ------- filters: list[filter] list of filter objects """ filters = [ __load__(fname, ftab=None, interp=interp, lamb=lamb, integrationFilter=True) for fname in flist ] return filters
[docs] def extractPhotometry(lamb, spec, flist, absFlux=True): """Extract seds from a one single spectrum Parameters ---------- lamb: ndarray[float,ndim=1] wavelength of spec spec: ndarray[float, ndim=1] spectrum flist: list[filter] list of filter objects absflux: bool return SEDs in absolute fluxes if set Returns ------- cls: ndarray[float, ndim=1] filters central wavelength seds: ndarray[float, ndim=1] integrated sed """ cls = numpy.empty(len(flist), dtype=float) seds = numpy.empty(len(flist), dtype=float) for e, k in enumerate(flist): xl = k.transmit > 0.0 tmp = lamb[xl] * k.transmit[xl] s0 = spec[:, xl] # apply absolute flux conversion if requested if absFlux: s0 /= distc a = numpy.trapz(tmp[None, :] * s0, lamb[xl], axis=1) seds[e] = a / k.lT # divide by integral (lambda T dlambda) cls[e] = return cls, seds
[docs] def extractSEDs(g0, flist, absFlux=True): """Extract seds from a grid Parameters ---------- g0: ModelGrid instance initial spectral grid flist: sequence(filter) list of filter object instances absflux: bool return SEDs in absolute fluxes if set Returns ------- cls: ndarray[float, ndim=1] filters central wavelength seds: ndarray[float, ndim=1] integrated sed grid: Table SED grid properties table from g0 (g0.grid) """ lamb = g0.lamb seds = numpy.empty((len(g0.grid), len(flist)), dtype=float) cls = numpy.empty(len(flist), dtype=float) for e, k in enumerate(flist): xl = k.transmit > 0.0 tmp = lamb[xl] * k.transmit[xl] s0 = g0.seds[:, xl] # apply absolute flux conversion if requested if absFlux: s0 /= distc a = numpy.trapz(tmp[None, :] * s0, lamb[xl], axis=1) seds[:, e] = a / k.lT cls[e] = return cls, seds, g0.grid
[docs] def STmag_to_flux(v): r""" Convert an ST magnitude to erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda) mag = -2.5 \log_{10}(F) - 21.10 M0 = 21.10 F0 = 3.6307805477010028 10^{-9} erg/s/cm2/AA Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] or float array of magnitudes Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of fluxes """ v0 = 21.1 return 10.0 ** (-0.4 * (v - v0))
[docs] def STmag_from_flux(v): r""" Convert to ST magnitude from erg/s/cm2/AA (Flambda) mag = -2.5 \log_{10}(F) - 21.10 M0 = 21.10 F0 = 3.6307805477010028 10^{-9} erg/s/cm2/AA Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of fluxes Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N], or float array of magnitudes """ v0 = 21.1 return -2.5 * numpy.log10(v) - v0
[docs] def fluxToMag(flux): """Return the magnitudes from flux values Parameters ---------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of fluxes Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of magnitudes """ return -2.5 * numpy.log10(flux)
[docs] def fluxErrTomag(flux, fluxerr): """Return the magnitudes and associated errors from fluxes and flux error values Parameters ---------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of fluxes fluxerr: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of flux errors Returns ------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitudes err: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitude errors """ mag = fluxToMag(flux) return mag, -2.5 * numpy.log10(1.0 - fluxerr / flux)
[docs] def magToFlux(mag): """Return the flux from magnitude values Parameters ---------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of magnitudes Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=N] array of fluxes """ return 10 ** (-0.4 * mag)
[docs] def magErrToFlux(mag, err): """Return the flux and associated errors from magnitude and mag error values Parameters ---------- mag: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitudes err: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of magnitude errors Returns ------- flux: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of fluxes fluxerr: np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of flux errors """ flux = magToFlux(mag) return flux, flux * (1.0 - magToFlux(err))
class __newFilterTable__(tables.IsDescription): """define table to store filter dataset""" WAVELENGTH = tables.FloatCol(pos=0) THROUGHPUT = tables.FloatCol(pos=1)
[docs] def append_filter( lamb, flux, tablename, observatory, instrument, name, comment=None, filterLib=__default__, updateVegaLib=True, ): """ Edit the filter catalog and append a new one given by its transfer function Parameters ---------- lamb: ndarray(dtype=float) wavelength of the filter definition flux: ndarray(dtype=float) transimission of the filter tablename: str table name in the library observatory: str observatory of the filter (Ground, HST, Spitzer, ...) instrument: str instrument associated with the filter name: str name of the filter comment: str, optional optinal comment to keep with the filter filterLib: str, optional filter library file to use updateVegaLib: bool if set calls the update function to the vega library """ ftab = tables.open_file(filterLib, "a") contentTab = ftab.get_node("/content") if contentTab.read_where('TABLENAME == "{0}"'.format(tablename)).size > 0: print( "% {0}: Filter {1} already exists. Returning".format(sys.argv[0], tablename) ) return # Gen Filter object including relevant details filtInst = list(filter(lamb, flux, name=name)) # Add a new line in the content table newRow = contentTab.row newRow["TABLENAME"] = tablename newRow["OBSERVATORY"] = observatory newRow["INSTRUMENT"] = instrument newRow["NAME"] = newRow["NORM"] = filtInst.norm newRow["CWAVE"] = newRow["PWAVE"] = filtInst.lpivot if comment is not None: newRow["COMMENT"] = comment newRow.append() contentTab.flush() # Create Table newTab = ftab.create_table( "/filters", tablename, __newFilterTable__,, expectedrows=filtInst.wavelength.size, ) newRow = newTab.row for i in range(filtInst.wavelength.size): newRow["WAVELENGTH"] = filtInst.wavelength[i] newRow["THROUGHPUT"] = filtInst.transmit[i] newRow.append() newTab.flush() ftab.flush() ftab.close() print("% {0}: Filter {1} added to {2}".format(sys.argv[0], name, filterLib)) if updateVegaLib: appendVegaFilter(filtInst)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VEGA SPECTRUM and VEGA ZEROPOINTS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __analyseVegaSpectrum__(w, f, filters): """ Returns property information from the application of a given set of filters Parameters ---------- w: ndarray(dtype=float) wavelength definition of the spectrum f: ndarray(dtype=float) flux definition of the spectrum Returns ------- props: dict properties to store with the filter that includes flux, magnitude values. """ nFilters = len(filters) phot = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) cwave = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) fname = [] mag = numpy.zeros((nFilters)) for j in range(0, nFilters): fname.append(filters[j].name) cwave[j] = filters[j].cl phot[j] = filters[j].getFlux(w, f) mag[j] = -2.5 * numpy.log10(phot[j]) return {"fname": fname, "cwave": cwave, "lum": phot, "mag": mag}
[docs] def appendVegaFilter(filtInst, VegaLib=__default_vega__): """ Add filter properties to the Vega library Parameters ---------- filtInst: Filter instance filter instance to get properties from and store information with Vega. VegaLib: str Vega Library """ # import tables vtab = tables.open_file(VegaLib, "a") vl = vtab.root.spectrum[:]["WAVELENGTH"] vf = vtab.root.spectrum[:]["FLUX"] sedTab = vtab.get_node("/sed") if sedTab.read_where('FNAME == "{0}"'.format( > 0: print( "% {0}: Filter {1} already exists. Returning".format( sys.argv[0], ) ) return data = __analyseVegaSpectrum__(vl, vf, [filtInst]) newRow = sedTab.row newRow["FNAME"] = newRow["CWAVE"] = newRow["LUM"] = data["lum"][0] newRow["MAG"] = data["mag"][0] newRow.append() sedTab.flush() vtab.close() print("% {0}: Filter {1} added to {2}".format(sys.argv[0],, VegaLib))